Thursday, March 3, 2011

How To Hook Up Turtle Beaches

Within the framework of corporal expression-dance, which most eutony, touch-contact, esferodinamia, elements of vocal technique and performance work with a song like tool.

This workshop is open to all levels of experience.
You do not need prior musical knowledge and vocal.

"A song is ..... culture, history, feelings, emotions .... mystery

The focus of this paper is the selection of a song. She was approached from different proposals:
  • order to receive the body, muscle tone, posture, and breathing.
  • To train air management, awareness of the vocal apparatus and the emission of sound.
  • to embody musical elements belonging to the selected songs.
  • To incorporate playful expressive resources that encourage creativity.
  • To connect with the group through the fluidity of movement, voice, affection establishing a dialogue that empowers each.

To the extent that I'm entering in the development of this workshop I find the implications it brings. In raising this workshop each visit makes me think what moves more: the body or the songs?. Perhaps what moves is to see the close relationship between one and other.

We appropriate a song or "she" appropriates us.

When we have a song written on the body, will hear that again, no matter how much time has passed, what we do with the whole body. Thus the body hears, feels, remembers, interweaves past and present. Judge, think, think .....

Wednesday, 9, 16, 23, and 30 March

19:00 to 20:30 Fee: $ 130

Caballito Av Rivadavia and
Doblas Reserve your attendance and schedule the exact address. Cristina

156 685 3926 4903 0722


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