Friday, February 25, 2011

Baby Socks That Look Like Shoes


I. - Analysis of an agricultural landscape:
An agricultural landscape is a natural landscape that has been mollify by man in order to obtain products of nature. The basic elements that characterize agricultural landscapes are plots the cropping systems and settlement :
1 .- Plots:
are divisions of agricultural land and cultivated land to make refencia, which differ from each other by the size (less than 1 hectare small, medium, 1 to 10 hectares, large more than 100 ha), (Not to be confused with property, which refers to the tenure system, where the division is between small, less than 10 Ha , medium between 10 and 100 ha and Large over 100 ha) form (regular or irregular) and boundaries (open or closed) to be established and distinguished in the image we presented. It's the first thing to discuss and set it according to whether they are open or traditional landscapes openfield , or traditional landscapes closed by hedges or bocage . If market agricultural landscapes can not speak or openfield or bocage. 2 .-
farming systems:
We must establish what are based on the following factors:
a) Depending on the variety of products are distinguished:
- Polyculture , if different species are cultivated
- Monoculture , if specialized in one product.
b) As Water needs:
- Irrigation if water collects and transports to the crops where irrigated,
- Dry , if watered with rainwater or irrigation
c) In its use in:
- Intensive , if it occurs the most in the smallest space possible,
- Extensive , whether to increase production is to increase arable land. You must indicate if you notice fallow.
d) In its order for the market:
- Market, usually mechanized and technologically advanced, which must be indicated in the analysis if it is perceptible, and its production is devoted almost exclusively to be sold.
- Keep , often traditional agriculture, which should indicate whether it is visible where the bulk of production is devoted to consumption.
3 .- Peopling:
must indicate whether settlement is generally rural, and whether this is:
a) dispersed, ie houses are scattered throughout the area;
b) or is concentrated where the core population is concentrated in small, medium or large towns.
4 .- Describe the climate and terrain features that influence agricultural production we are studying, so we must explain how it affects rainfall, temperatures, summer drought, altitude, continentality ..
II .- Comment: You must include all these items featured here more: an analysis of the importance of agriculture in the study area (not the same as the impact of agriculture in Jaen, Badajoz in Vizcaya and Madrid) and we must expose all that we know about the specific area of \u200b\u200bstudy (landscapes of the Atlantic Spain, Mediterranean interior, Mediterranean Coast, Canary Islands), including settlement and habitat characteristics. Finally we present measures desarrollo sostenible en el campo y el impacto de la PAC (Política Agraria Común) en el modelo productivo estudiado.


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