Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How Many Calories In A Chicken Chow Mien?

One way to pay tribute. International Women's Day Tags

Gioconda Belli

haired Dawn day long curved women

How little a day, sisters, how little,
for the world to collect flowers in front of our homes! where we were born From the cradle to the grave where sleep
hit -route all of our lives -
should pave flowers to celebrate (...)

We want to see and smell the flowers. We
flowers that are not happy when we were born female instead of male , want flowers that we cut the clitoris
And the blindfolded us
feet of those who do not want flowers sent us to school
for us to look to our brothers and we helped in the kitchen
Flowers who got into bed at night and we covered her mouth to
rape us while our mother slept We
flowers we paid less for the heavier work
Y ran when we realized that we were pregnant
want flowers that condemned us to death forcing us to bear to risk our lives We
flowers to be protected from evil thoughts forcing the veil and cover the body
Del has been banned from going outside without a male escort us
want flowers that we burned for witches And we locked by crazy Flowers us paste, which is drunk
From that payment of unredeemed baby food month
flowers of intriguing and raise false testimony
which rages against his daughters, their mothers and their daughters home

And poison in your heart to those of the same gender

So many would be needed to dry flowers the wet marshes where water from our eyes is mud
quicksand swallowing and spitting, of those tough, one by one, we will emerge.

Dawn with long hair on women curved. We
flowers today. How much we share.

The garden we were expelled.

Workshop "Songs in the body" The focus of this paper is the selection of a song. She was approached from different proposals:
  • order to receive the body, muscle tone, posture, and breathing.
  • To train air management, awareness of the vocal apparatus and the emission of sound.
  • to embody musical elements belonging to the selected songs.
  • To incorporate playful expressive resources that encourage creativity.
  • To connect with the group communication through the fluidity of movement, voice, affect, establishing a dialogue that empowers each.
Wednesday, 9, 16, 23, and March 30

7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Fee: $ 130

Caballito Av Rivadavia and
Doblas Reserve your attendance and schedule the exact address. Cristina

156 685 3926 4903 0722


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