Thursday, March 17, 2011

Why Install Ceiling To Floor Drapes?

is on your nerves!!

It ...!!!!

Who has not heard this comment when someone tells symptoms or medical diagnosis of diseases called psychosomatic.

A chronic muscular tension, posture problems or painful ways to sustain the body's movements hard, diagnostics have been added as vitiligo, psoriasis and lupus, among others. Young, active, in a struggle to secure their livelihood, starring diseases and crises that threaten to disrupt careers, projects, etc..

My task is to provide physical resources, expressive and playful from framework of corporal expression-dance-dance techniques including singing and theater. The instrument is the body work, movement, expression, communication and developing a creative attitude. Deepen the understanding and management of the body with elements of bodily disciplines
(Eutony, Feldenkrais, Alexander technique ...).

  • Raising awareness of bones, joints and muscles back the notion of body schema, with some structure that we have to sustain. The mental representation of the body and have the same valuation that is what is called body image.
  • From perception pass action, movement, allowing us to explore the ability of movement in different areas, with the energy differences, the use of space and time. These combinations would result in their own dance.

  • The encounter with others and the ability to communicate through body language development offers us new situations that require answers this way we overcome their own inhibitions that arise when dealing with others.

  • internal and external images are suggestive of movements that combine to tell their own dance. No copying of models, or preset requirements. is re-educate the movement to become a good instrument of expression. When I say I mean good relaxed and real .

Cristina Soloaga
1 56 685 3926 4903 0722

Body Language classes and recreational resources
expressive and individual and group

Workshop Songs in the body. Area

Caballito Almagro
Later new areas and forms

Cristina sings tangos: Saturday March 19 at 18:00
Club Ferro. GarcĂ­a Lorca 350. CABA. Free admission
was suspended by rain


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