Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Blueprints Grand Vitara

an industrial landscape (mining, industry)

1. Location industrial
a) Geographical location: physical characteristics of soil and environment (type of relief, plain, hill, mountain; Location: interior, coastal, urban, rural ...)
b) factors of industrial location:
- Traditional Industry: proximity to raw materials and energy sources, to centers of consumption and labor, available transportation, rail, roads, airports, ports. If you can appreciate the presence of large capital near the possibility of accessing the financial market.
- New industrial models: endogenous industrialization, presence of infrastructure to the development of high technology, relocation or restructuring (outsourcing of the industry) ...
c) specific location in space:
- Industry isolated industrial estate classic, modern industrial estates (industrial parks and technology), organization and size of the polygon (if it is established); size of the plots occupied by the industry.
- directly or indirectly dependent services industries (workshops, warehouses, offices, means of transport, loading docks ...) and quality deterioration.
2. General industry characteristics :
a) Type of industry: heavy (basic or equipment), lightweight (for use and consumption).
b) Productive sector to which it belongs: metallurgy, chemical, food, mechanics.
c) Size and degree of technological development.
d) Importance and current status of the type of industry or sector (mature industries, declining conversion, development ...)
3. Issues :
a) Structural problems.
b) Impact of EU membership.
c) Environmental impacts of the industry.
4. Future prospects : identify the future prospects of industrial activity analyzed, favorable or unfavorable.


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