Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Dna Fingerprinting Labanswers

spaces that open up in a spiral .... be moving today .......

Get Moving is always the most difficult test.

understand how we relate to our bodies is a way to meet us in our daily lives.

What are the sensations, feelings, thoughts that occupy us when we put our bodies in movement? Laziness, nonsense, disapproval, distrust, fear of embarrassment, shame. Meet the limits of our body tells us about the nature of the boundaries (hard to move) in general and scares us. Limits of our body, the body of others, the social body in which we live, the way in which we live (work, money).

The ability to record the sensations that light up when we get in a learning situation refresh memories, desires, "ways of doing things" known to combine to find new ways.

The possibility of approaching space confronts us to the limit to combine our personal space (Kinesfera. RVLaban) with the space that surrounds us. Directions, ways to travel around, unknown addresses call on us to prove, somehow, to deploy a new possibility.

Communicate with our body, is put into action the understanding that the body goes beyond an organization's critical systems and that when we talk of body we mean all the experiences that have made history in different tissues, organs and fluids that compose it. From there we reorganize each time to find new experiences to share with others.

Everything is building the means to meet with our poetry, with game, with the voices that inhabit us. with the power to say, do and play. Understanding the body as an indivisible settings spanning the biological, emotional, physical, social, intellectual, erotic, relational. Dimensions that appear as visible foci of a single reality, based on experience.


Custom Classes:
From personal needs and issues that make you think that you need
"amigarte" with your body.
hours to be arranged.
Caballito Almagro and
Songs in the body or : In the fabric of life appear canciones que forman parte de las experiencias que vivimos. En nuestro cuerpo se registra todo l a historia de nuestras vidas desde antes de nacer. Explorar el cuerpo y las canciones nos da la posibilidad de alcanzar dos tipos de objetivos. Los personales que se refieren a la auto afirmación de nuestra identidad en este momento, a mejorar la autovaloración, a actualizar nuestra potencia.
Otros objetivos son los específicos de la tarea corporal y expresiva que plantea este taller. La conciencia del cuerpo. El movimiento integrando las tres cavidades: pelvis, tórax y cabeza. Los apoyos: pies, isquiones. Todo el cuerpo. La alineación corporal. El manejo del aire. La emisión de la voz . La riqueza en la communication that reveals the act of singing. The stimulation of imagination and creativity. Wednesday 19:00

. An hour and a half. $ 130.
6, 13, 20 and 27 April. Caballito

-Body Expression Dance Workshop : TBA startup.
Group training. Tuesday at 19:00

The Waterboy Solar . Body Language in the field.
expressive and recreational resources.

Saturday 7 May. 10:00 to 17:00
Route 2 Km 45,500. The Danger. Abasto. PTDO La Plata

work from the technique of sensory perception. Register silence, natural sounds, colors, textures, aromas, internal states. tune with nature. qualities of movement in response to energy, space and time variations. Addressing natural from the movement. Open channels of communication with others, the body language development environment. deployment of voice. Expressed from the gesture, movement, dance itself as a result of the work and the natural environment

Fee: $ 100. Taking a light lunch box. treated to freshly harvested vegetables there.

Directions: Collective Plaza: 129 La Plata
(in Centennial). From Plaza Once or Constitution Square. Get off at the roundabout
Gutierrez (ex Alpargatas). From there take the bus. 324 Branch 4 or 5 to km 45,500 Route 2 or remisse to the entrance of the camp for $ 25

Another option: Book the place where the van 1537264957 few days earlier and get off at the village of El Hazard, since there are a 18 blocks you can walk or take a remisse. RSVP

and participation in activities. call to clarify details on the proposed activities. Cristina

Soloaga 4903 0722
156 658 3926


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