Thursday, March 24, 2011

Cellular Respiration Lab Report Answers

Análisis y comentario de un paisaje agrario para 3º ESO

I. - Analysis of an agricultural landscape:
An agricultural landscape is a natural landscape that has been mollify by man in order to obtain products of nature. The basic elements that characterize agricultural landscapes are plots the cropping systems and settlement :
1 .- Plots:
are divisions of agricultural land which differ each other by the size (Small: less than 1 ha, median, 1 to 10 hectares, more than 10 hectares large, not confuse properly, small: less than 10 hectares, medium, 10 a large 100 ha and more than 100 hectares, only data, not to include in comment the property type, only the plots ), shape (regular or irregular) and boundaries (open or closed) to be established and distinguished in the image we presented. It's the first thing to discuss and set it according to whether they are open or traditional landscapes openfield , or traditional landscapes closed by hedges or bocage . If market agricultural landscapes can not speak or openfield or bocage.
2 .-
farming systems:
We must establish what are based on the following factors:
a) Depending on the variety of products comprise: - Polyculture , if different species are cultivated
- Monoculture , if
specialized in one product.
b) According to the water needs - Irrigation if water collects and transports up to
crops where irrigated,
- Dry , if watered with rainwater or irrigation
c) In its use in: - Intensive , if it occurs the most in the minimum possible space
- Extensive , whether to increase production would increase
arable land. You must indicate if you notice
d) In its order for the market: - Market , usually mechanized and technologically advanced, it
which must be indicated in the analysis if it is perceptible,
and its production is devoted almost exclusively to
be commercialized.
- Keep , often traditional agriculture, which
it should be noted if perceptible where most
of production is devoted to consumption.
3 .- Peopling:
should be noted if there is settlement, generally rural, and whether this is:
a) dispersed, ie houses are scattered throughout the area;
b) or is concentrated , where the core population is concentrated in small, medium or large towns.
II .-
Comment Comment must match the type of landscape that shows in the picture. The landscapes that can be retrieved as more likely to include:
a) Subsistence - In warm areas, agricultural clearing, irrigated rice and rainfed
associated with livestock.
- In temperate zones: Mediterranean rainfed agriculture
traditional Mediterranean triad found onde, wheat, grapes and olive
; traditional Mediterranean agriculture, horticulture, agriculture
climates and high mountain Atlantic bocage;
by Finally, a landscape of grain farming or agriculture openfield
traditional dominance of cereal crops.
Most of these crops have evolved today to mechanized cultivation
de mercado, pero todavía quedan algunos resquicios. Hoy son
totalmente minoritarios e insignificantes.
b) Agricultura de mercado: - En zonas cálidas: se suelen dar plantaciones de monocultivo, té,
plátanos, etc.
- En zonas templadas: agricultura especializada de países nuevos
(belt); agricultura mediterránea de secano y regadío, tecnificada,
mecanizada y adaptada al mercado; paisajes atlánticos
mecanizados; agricultura extensiva mecanizada (antiguos
openfield); cultivos bajo plástico o invernaderos. Excepto el primer
modelo los demás son paisajes
have evolved into models of market and export.
Based on this, that everything we know about this landscape as a kind of weather that fits, that type of crops usually occur; comment on how much they affect the climate, altitude and soil; If is tenificado and machining, if engaged in exporting, if there are relationships between the cultures of this area with other areas in the world and discuss their similarities ...


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