Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Master Lock Sphere Forgot


Padding: The padding or mulching is an agricultural practice that is to cover the soil with organic material, designed to protect the soil and eventually to fertilize. Is performed mainly in horticulture and fruit growing and mainly related to organic farming.
Aquaculture: Aquaculture is defined as an activity aimed to produce and fatten aquatic organisms (animal and plant) in their midst. Also defined as breeding more or less controlled conditions of species that develop in the aquatic environment and are useful to man.
crops that have achieved greater development are the edible species belonging to three groups: molluscs, crustaceans and fish. These three groups together with the algae are the four major objects of aquaculture.
Organic farming: it is setting a new production model that accepting those raised by technology improvements such as drip irrigation systems reject the use of genetically modified seeds, artificial fertilizers, fungicides, pesticides or any product that means or could mean a deterioration of soil or groundwater contamination. Try to recover sustainable development in rural areas and restore cultivated on the basis of a quality and sustainable agriculture.
Sharecropping: When the farmer or farmer pays the landowner a share of a crop or production obtained. It is a system in decline. Lease
: When the farmer or rancher pays the owner an amount of money under contract for the rental of land. Fallow
: traditional agricultural practice of allowing land to rest for a period (one year or more) in which the land is not planted and allowed to rest for recovery. Normally every three years is when a land is put into fallow. It was used mainly in Spain in grain farming, is now in the process of disappearing.
Openfield Bocage: Both are ways of defining the limits of agricultural parcels. The openfield are open fields without fences, as opposed to bocage parcels that are surrounded by walls, hedges, trees or slopes, and appear connected by a network of roads. The landscape of the Cantabrian bocage respond to the model, while the southern sub-plateau and depressions of the Ebro and Guadalquivir openfield would be.
Caladero : they are resource-rich areas and where fishing vessels operate fishing. Often coincide with areas of mixed warm and cold currents and continental shelf that collects plankton starts the marine food chain.
Land Consolidation: The process started during the Franco regime in the early 1950 which aimed to increase agricultural yields through the unification of plots in a rural landscape of traditional use with the intention of introducing technology and mechanize the English countryside and free labor from the primary sector to urban sector emerging secondary or tertiary. In 1952, approving the Land Consolidation Act which contemplated the possibility that the State arbitrarily to become involved in the process of concentration, although in practice the process is carried out through private initiative. The balance was positive in terms of concentration and improvement of income level, permitted by the capitalization and mechanization, the appearance negative was the livelihood of small landholdings in Atlantic Spain.
Crops under plastic : culture technique consisting of cover crops with plastic perforated with small holes to retain moisture and prevent evaporation. Both crops under plastic greenhouses as (while retaining the moisture they hold low temperatures) are generally used in areas of low rainfall as southern Spain and Canary Islands. The area where most are proliferating in Almería greenhouses, especially in El Ejido.
hydroponic crops: Crops without soil, also known as hydroponics, emerge as an alternative to traditional agriculture, whose main objective is to eliminate or reduce plant growth limiting factors related to soil characteristics, replacing it with other media for cultivation and fertilization techniques using alternatives.
Transgenic Crops: A transgenic crop is one that contains a gene or genes that have been artificially inserted through modern biotechnology have been acquired rather than through pollination. The sequence of the gene (s) inserted (s) can come from another unrelated plant or a completely different species.
The first genetically modified food (GM) was introduced in the international market in the mid-nineties. Since then, varieties of soybean, corn and cotton, among many other crops have been commercialized in different areas of the world. Currently it is estimated that GM crops cover about 4% of global arable land.
Dehesa : In Spain they are called semi-pasture to pasture extending over long distances in poor soils in central, west and southwest of the Iberian Peninsula. They are ecosystems very interesting because they are very good example of balance between exploitation by man and natural resource conservation. The area where the meadows are occupied by forests. In former days were removed trees and bushes, with logging, mowing, fire management, land reclamation and the grazing of goats. Just opened clearings are maintained by the same procedures, because if not, the process of ecological succession would restore the primeval forest. The goats were replaced long ago by cattle, sheep, pigs and horses that is, for years, the most common in the pasture.
: Agricultural to cover the land consists of sand so you can conserve soil moisture and therefore will not be eroded. It is much used in dry and arid areas such as Almeria in Spain and Canary Islands.
Stabling: it is the maintenance of livestock in a barn, which has invested significant capital in order to increase farmers income through the bait and feed and mechanization. It is therefore a model livestock production related to the commercial production of milk, meat or holes depending on the hut, for mass consumption and is usually located close to consumption centers.
farm: The farm is very technical and economic unit of the base of the primary sector, equivalent to the company in other economic sectors and the production are agricultural products (agricultural or livestock). As a concept, is related to farm and opposes the concept of land ownership and the concept of plot: an operation may include one or more parcels, contiguous or not belonging to the same owner or different owners, by direct operation (in which matches the owner responsible for the operation) or indirect use (leasing or similar figures of transfer of land use). The work on the operation can be performed by employees (laborers) hired by her guardian, or by him self and family (family farm), and depending on farm size and the need for continuity of care, there may be holdings Part-time (which is responsible for the operation goes to work in another field season and returns to his farm to harvest or another period of intense work.) Size: smallholding estates and agricultural farms, according to their size, can be estates, if they are too large (it consider the case in Spain, in excess of 100 hectares) or small farms, if they are too small (10 hectares in Spain), although, depending on land quality and location, a holding of less than 10 hectares ...
EAGGF: Is the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund, Structural Funds are part of the CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) that since the integration of Spain into the EU, marking guidelines agricultural policy. All Agricultural Policy is supported by structural funds to protect agriculture against foreign competition establish a common agricultural policy, get a fair standard of living for farmers, stabilize markets and ensure supplies. Livestock farming
: This is where you use large tracts of land devoted to livestock growth. Are maintained with shrubs and plants that are born, which grow naturally. This is a traditional production model in the case of English sheep farming is directly related to transhumance. Other cabins in Spain related to ranching are the bulls, cattle for meat of high quality, the horse ...
Livestock intensive, also called factory farming, livestock production is stabled whose production has a purely commercial purpose and concentrates a number of drawbacks as clear as difficult to solve by the consumer society in which we live. On the one hand, accumulate high densities of livestock in a confined space, are prime fodder for animals that sometimes occupy scarce fertile soils. On the other hand, feed intake and excessive concentration increases production but produce health problems such as trichinosis and bovine spongiform encephalopathy (mad cow Mal) or bird flu. In addition the product is of great quality although it lowers the price final consumer. Another consequence, the most damaging to the environment, is the accumulation of methane gas produced by livestock waste from these farms.
FIFG: Financial Instrument for Fisheries Guidance, is one of the four Structural Funds of the European Union has existed since 1993, which replaced the various existing structural instruments. The FIFG contributes primarily to the achievement of the objectives of the Common Fisheries Policy to accompany the restructuring of the sector, and secondly, to the consolidation of economic and social cohesion of the Union, to promote the development of coastal areas where fishing is an important place in economic activity. Therefore, aims to help the industry cope with the challenges of the new world economic situation, ensuring the exploitation of fishery resources sustainable and ecologically efficient from the point of view, maintaining fishing in areas where there are few economic alternatives and offer European consumers a range of diversified products and quality fishing. The measures financed under the FIFG can not contribute in any concept to the increase in fishing effort.
Latifundio : is a country house of great extension that has a single owner. In Spain, this model of ownership occurs in the south central peninsula and in Salamanca, Castilla y León. Is associated with the reconquest and repopulation during the Middle Ages when the Castilian kings granted large estates to military orders, nobility and monasteries for the maintenance of territory. Are clearly related to production models such as agriculture-related extensive Mediterranean trilogy (wheat, vine and olive) or extensive cattle, swine, sheep or bulls.
Minifundismo : system of land division based on the fragmentation in agricultural landscapes own smallholdings very parceled by tradition (inheritance) or for historical reasons, land grants to new settlers (Letters of Population, Quickness, or pinched). It is characteristic of northern Spain and today remains a special way in the Atlantic Spain and the orchards of Valencia and Segura. CMO
: Common Market Organisations, sets the price and market policy within the CAP and regulates the production and marketing of agricultural products. Market policy is the most ancient and most important of the CAP. His aim is to guide agricultural production and stabilize markets.
The CMO is based on three fundamental principles:
  • market unity: ie free movement of agricultural products between Member States;
  • Community preference: the application of this principle tends to decrease due to the progressive market opening to the outside community (multilateral, bilateral and unilateral concessions);
  • financial solidarity: the costs of implementing the CAP should be borne by the Community budget.
The CMOs have been building gradually to cover the majority of products, which represent approximately 90% of final agricultural production (PAF) in the Community, the only significant exceptions being alcohol and potatoes. PAC
: Acronym for "Common Agricultural Policy, created in 1961 (Spain joined in 1986) in order to ensure the living standards of farmers markets stabilize prices and ensure supplies to consumers .
Plot: The technical and economic unit of the farm. In a second sense, this is the portion of cultivated land is bounded by a common boundary. Refers to the space grown and is divided into smaller, less than one hectare, medium between one and ten hectares and large over ten hectares. PCP
: Common Fisheries Policy was launched in 1983 in response to the new situation created by the Exclusive Economic Zone which aims to establish specific guidelines on fisheries policy, such as: a) the accessibility of EU fishermen to waters within the limit of 200 miles; b) conservation and management of sustainable exploitation of fisheries resources; c) ensure the income of fishermen, d) ensure the supply at the right price for consumers. Fishing
: the extractive activity is responsible for the exploitation of food resources of marine or fluvial origin.
Inshore Fisheries: This is the extraction system fishing in the nearby continental shelf and which is characterized by the fishing fleet landed daily at the market capture of the port.
Deep Sea Fishing: exhaust system that extends over time for several weeks and even months and anchors in offshore fishing grounds or away from the platform continental origin. They feature the freezing of fish and the relationship with primary industries of canned and frozen.
deep-sea fishing, extraction system that lasts several months, some six months in turn and fishing in high seas fisheries or fisheries in exclusive economic zones in which there is agreement. It is a fishing fleet which carries a mother ship that serves as a factory ship for cleaning, freezing and canning of fish caught, leading to port and processed packaged products.
LEADER Programme: LEADER (Relationship between development activities of the Rural Economy) is a community initiative that supports development of rural areas situated in the most disadvantaged regions of the European Union. The Leader I took the period 1991-1995, Leader II and the period 1995-1999 and was funded by the European Union itself. Its aim is to demonstrate the possibility of promoting the development of rural areas, through an integrated approach, devised locally, with the participation of the affected population. As a development program that is trying to diversify economic activities in rural areas, facilitate the utilization of our resources and encourage investment. Irrigation
: the substitution of rainwater for water transport systems that allow agricultural development in river valleys. It is a culture system that allows intensive land use, development of horticulture farming and large capital investments and infrastructure. Among the most important infrastructures include pools, ditches, canals, wells, breast pumps, pipes, drip irrigation ... Inside there are several methods ranging from flood irrigation, the sprinkler system or drip irrigation .
of tenure: the relationship established between the operator of the land and property. On that basis defines two categories: a) by the do the direct tenure, when the owner and operator of the land are the same person, most common model in Spain b) by Furthermore, the indirect holding system , if the operator of the land is not the owner, therefore establishing a contract between an owner and farmer.
Forestry: A technique that is responsible for growing and rational exploitation of forests for different products and the preservation and restoration of woodlands.
rotation system: the plot is divided in leaves of crops. You can divide the plot into two sheets configuring a set of year and time in which a party is grown and the other is left fallow. Another possibility is a three-year rotation of three years or three leaves in a leaf is a staple crop planting, usually cereal, on the other culture complementary, usually legumes and a third leaf that land left fallow. This system is related to a system of traditional and subsistence use where there were no chemical fertilizers to fertilize the soil. With agriculture market this traditional operating model disappears in many developed countries, although still present in parts of Africa, Asia and America.
Trashumancia : seasonal movement of livestock in search of pasture in the Mediterranean countries themselves, in summer or amounted to more northern highlands and in winter down to lowlands or further south, for it is used cattle trails called Cañadas Reales.
Mediterranean Trilogy: cultivation of the three traditional commodities and in Spain that were configured with the settlements, particularly with the Roman colonization. These three products are wheat, vines and olive trees, typical of Mediterranean Spain's interior.
EEZ: exclusive areas created from the seventies (1976) that extends 200 miles to the countries bordering the exclusive fishery and fishing grounds are in these waters. The establishment of these unique areas severely affected countries fishing tradition but little shelf with its grounds or exhausted, as was the case in Spain which has had to undergo a profound restructuring of the fisheries sector since ceasing to be one of the great powers in number of catches in the world, although we remain one of the countries that consume more fish.


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