Sunday, March 27, 2011

Condolences Not Saved


Autarky: is named after the first phase of the regime's economic policy Franco covering the years 1939-1959, in which we apply a fascist doctrine, where the state becomes active and leading part of the economy with the ultimate goal of economic self-sufficiency. After World War II isolation, that part of an internal policy, is accentuated by Western countries and international organizations that reject the entry of the Franco regime, a former Nazi edge in the international arena, staying out of the reconstruction aid and the emerging international organizations UN, NATO and European Economic Community.
Ration card
Effects of Autarky
Biomass: is the use of waste (agricultural, livestock, forestry, urban ...) as fuel in industries and power plants in the heating or for gas. The main producers are France, Sweden and the United States. It is the use of one of the most polluting materials such as organic waste generated by humans in everyday use or agriculture or those caused by industrial livestock stables, in order to obtain a sustainable energy use.
Coal: its origins lie in the accumulation of litter (bark, leaves, logs ...) from the great forests of the Paleozoic. These remains, buried under ground or in shallow water, underwent a process of decomposition and solidification into a mineral rich in carbon. Coal was the primary source of energy during the industrial revolution and shaped a landscape model industrial landscapes called blacks, CO 2 it produced, which were developed in countries that undertook a rapid industrialization in the s. XIX, United States, Britain, Germany, France or Belgium. Was the main protagonist to the discovery and refining of oil substitute that made virtually disappeared as a resource energy until 1973. That same year the oil crisis explodes and turns back to coal as an energy source especially for electricity production in power plants. Main producers are the United States, China, India, Australia, Russia and South Africa. Depending on the calorific value with four distinct categories: a) The peat is very rich in carbon and very bad fuel, b) The lignite next on the scale of wealth, but still bad fuel, but used in some power plants; c) The coal is much richer in carbon and has a high calorific value is therefore widely used, for example in energy production plants. Is impregnated with bituminous substances which are obtained by distillation interesting aromatic hydrocarbons and coal type widely used in steel called coke ( solid residue, lightweight, porous material that is formed by heating coal strongly. It is used in blast furnaces for the production of iron) , but also contains high amounts of sulfur are very important source of air pollution. The anthracite is the best of the coals, very low pollution and high calorific value.
Industrial Relocation: The relocation of industry is a phenomenon inherent in any industrialized economy that moves in terms of international competition, which is to transfer all or part of production to other countries, where attempts to optimize the return on investment, based on achieving in the country of destination, the lower labor costs, greater tax benefits, lower cost of industrial land, and less demanding social and labor laws, both from the point of view social protection, including trade union rights. Main areas
benefiting from industrial relocation
Division of labor: a production system, introduced in the Second Industrial Revolution, by which each worker performs one step in a chain. It involves work and series and high productivity.
Wind: this energy is harnessing the power of wind turbines for electricity, which can be isolated or grouped in a wind farm. The main producers are Spain, Germany and Denmark.
hydropower, is to generate electricity using the force that produces the fall of a large body of water from a height. The major producers are USA, Brazil, Canada, Russia and China. Central
hydroelectric dam scheme

Geothermal Energy : comes from the earth's internal heat (hot springs or steam .) It is used in heating or to generate electricity. Top producers: Philippines, Mexico and the United States.
Tidal Energy : based on harnessing the movement of the tides to produce electricity in maremotrices. Among the main producers are France or Canada.
nuclear energy: it comes from minerals with a high degree of radioactivity as uranium or plutonium. Is produced by a process called fission, nuclear power plants. The serious environmental problems caused by the storage of radioactive waste generated at the plants along with the danger of nuclear accidents, have questioned the use of this source of energy and caused the closure of some plants that do not meet the required safety measures. The main producers are France, Japan, Germany and the United States.
Map of nuclear power plants in Spain
Fukushima Central
before the accident
Fukushima Central
Effects of radiation after the Chernobyl accident
Three Mile in Harrisburg United States in 1979
Solar : comes from the use of sunlight through photovoltaic cells and solar panels to generate electricity. Top producers: Germany, USA, Canada and Australia.
energy sources: natural resources are obtained the necessary strength to transform raw materials moving machines and facilitate the movement of people and goods.
Natural Gas: Its origin is related to oil, so you can find it in a layer or bag over the oil fields. Sometimes found in isolated fields. It is used in various types of factories (cement, ceramic, etc.). In domestic heating, water heaters, stoves ... and as a substitute for oil in power stations to produce electricity. Russia, United States, Canada, UK, Iran, Netherlands, Norway and Algeria are the main producers.
Holding : financial group that controls a group of companies through shareholding in them.
I + D + i : is applied to industry advances in scientific research conducted at universities and other entities, public or private, to incorporate new technologies in production processes in engineering, the products themselves or the management, distribution and marketing of them.
base Industry: also called heavy industries in the amount of raw materials they need. Are iron and steel industry, basic chemistry (pesticides, fertilizers, alkalis, detergents, dyes ...) and petrochemicals. Have undergone significant restructuring due to globalization and new technology cycle. Steel
Industry goods are those which transform products semi industry based on goods used for manufacturing machinery, industrial equipment and heavy transport. They have also undergone a major restructuring by the globalization of the economy and production and the new technology cycle. Are the mechanical industry (industrial machinery, agricultural, construction, railway, aircraft or naval), notably shipbuilding, other industries: cement, glass, wood pulp or paper ...
Industry use and consumption: they transform raw materials or intermediate products in fixed assets or direct consumption by the consumer. Are very diverse and widely dispersed spatial location. Highlights: textiles, leather and footwear, food industry, light chemical industry, such as pharmaceuticals, dyes and paints and paper, automotive, industrial and consumer use as home appliances, printing, furniture ...
INI: Instituto Nacional de Industria : 1941cque body established functions as a public company to replace private initiative in unprofitable industries or those that were considered of strategic interest, such as steel, shipbuilding, automotive, petrochemical,
telecommunications ... Facade of INI in Madrid
Raw Materials: are the resources, mostly provided by nature, which are transformed by an industrial process or semi-processed products. According to their origin can be of animal, vegetable, mineral, both metallic and non metallic and artificial origin.
NPI: New Industrialized Countries: All countries who know a great industrial development due to the competitiveness of its industry by cheap labor and low social conflict, usually by state repression, benefits tax and state support. The most obvious example is the Pacific Dragons, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore. They are the product of the globalization of the economy and the international division of labor.
Technology Park: industrial areas of high environmental quality, well-connected handheld high concentration of business services and skilled labor are concentrated in high-tech industry and are located near centers of study and research laboratories , universities ... closely linked to them also close to centers of political decision.
Oil : comes from the accumulation of remains of plankton in the sea bottom, by being buried in the absence of oxygen and subjected to conditions of temperature and pressure, became hydrocarbons. Oil refining process requires the obtained derivatives: gasoline, diesel, fuel ... is used in industries and transport and electricity production in power plants. Top producers, Saudi Arabia, the United States, China, Russia, Iran, Mexico and Venezuela.
industrial estate, located in area the urban periphery or in the metropolitan area, equipped with services and infrastructure for the development of industrial activity.
Polo development: created from the Development Plans in order to mitigate the existing regional imbalances in industrial location. Through a policy of support in the form of subsidies and tax breaks, was intended to industrialize areas hitherto little or no industrial presence.
tariff protectionism: it is a practice of economic policy aims to protect the national economy from foreign competition. Can be done either by explicitly prohibiting the entry of foreign products (autarkic policies) or through tariffs (customs duties paid on imported goods to cross national borders).
SME: Small and Medium Business : A business that has more than 250 employees and a turnover of not more than 50 mill. of € which is the lifeline of the industrial fabric of Spain with 90% of the number of companies. It is divided into three groups: a) micro enterprises with up to 10 employees and no greater than 2 mill. €; b) small 10 to 50 employees with a turnover of not more than 10 mill. €; c) medium, 50 to 250 employees and a turnover of not more than 50 mill. €. Industrial Restructuring
: process started in 1984 that aims to improve the productivity of the most profitable companies on the basis of modernization of the production process and reducing the number of employees, based on technological improvement. Also meant the disappearance of an industrial in some areas failed to modify the production model to an economy that favors investment in new technology compared to traditional industrial sectors.
Ria de Aviles in the industrial age
Avilés estuary after the conversion
Renewable resources: those who, being from nature, not involving a substantial decline because resources are inexhaustible. The clearest examples are solar energy and wind power. There are very few inexhaustible resources, the vast majority, but are managed sustainably or exist in abundance, are finite and limited and we recycle and manage in a rational way to reduce unnecessary consumption.
SEPI: English Society Industrial Holdings, formed in 1995 to replace the INI in the process of privatization of state enterprises belonging to his predecessor. Serves to maintain subsidized a small group of companies that would otherwise disappear by the massive privatization undertaken by the neoliberal policies of the nineties in Spain.
coverage rate: ratio between the value of exports and the value of imports of a particular product expressed in percentage rates.
ZE: Special Areas, with areas, usually rural, which is enhanced by endogenous industrialization, especially agro-industries and rural tourism development.
ZID: Declining industrial areas, are the areas, created in 1985, most affected by the industrial crisis and the subsequent conversion, with high unemployment rates but with a great local potential for recovery.
SPA: Economic Development Zone, are the least developed areas of a country, well established by the criterion of per capita income and unemployment rate.
ZUR: Reindustrialisation Area Urgent: Created in 1984, are areas enjoyed financial and tax benefits that allowed them to recover, thanks to their power, very early in the industrial crisis and conversion.


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