Friday, April 8, 2011

Which Paper Towel Brand Is The Strongest?


ADIF: Railway Infrastructure Administration. It began operations in January 2005, is the leading management and construction of the railway network of general interest given the following types of railway: Red
  • conventional electrified, is located in the main corridors of the network tree-English, with the main line, Madrid-Venta de Baños, which part of the distribution of the north, Madrid-Zaragoza from which is distributed traffic to the northeast, and Madrid-Alcázar de San Juan from where it distributes traffic to the south. Red
  • not electrified, is located in peripheral locations.
  • high capacity network: see AVE. FEVE
  • see FEVE.
AVE : English High Speed. Flowing through the high-capacity network, is one in which the trains travel at speeds between 250 and 400 km / h. Is operational since 1992 when it created the first line, Madrid-Sevilla. Other lines are Madrid-Zaragoza-Barcelona-France, Madrid-Toledo-Córdoba-Sevilla-Malaga-Valencia-Albacete Madrid-Alicante Madrid-Segovia-Valladolid, Orense-Santiago de Compostela.
Trade balance: financial record of a country that reflects the outcome of trade (imports plus exports).
Balance of payments : annual accounting record of a country that gathers all the financial accounts qu and make the economy of that State.
Commerce: economic activity involving the sale of goods and products.
Fair Trade: movement that promotes the purchase of products manufactured in developing countries in order to help their economies take off.
Seasonal demand: silk sun tourism and beach and refers to the concentration of this model of tourism during the summer months, causing, people and traffic congestion, saturation service, overbooking, environmental issues and serves as a brake on investment that is the resilience of the capital threatened by the seasonality.
Ecotourism: tourism model linked to the use of leisure parks and natural areas. It is a model expansion, which involves strict control measures to preserve the spaces.
FEVE : Narrow-Gauge English Railways, was established in 1965 and its geographical location is mainly concentrated in the north of Spain, from Galicia to the Basque Country, but is also present in Valencia, Madrid and Mallorca. Manage regional traffic and freight.
Hub: airport serving as a focal point for air traffic networks for the coordination of flights to and from other airports.
Coasting : navigation type that occurs from port to port on the coast without leaving it. Takes place between the English ports of the peninsula and both inter-island traffic islands or between the mainland and the north African places.
tour operator, or tour operators, tour wholesalers are companies that are engaged in organizing trips and visits to tourist groups.
Overbooking : practice consisting of some tour operators sell a number of places beyond the capacity of transportation or lodging.
Process Outsourcing : this term the progressive predominance of the service sector has gained in the advanced industrial economies. This dominance is evident in two ways: a) on the one hand, the relative weight of the tertiary sector in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), b) on the other hand, the growth of the population enumerated in the service sector.
RENFE, English National Railway Network, an organization created in 1941 that led to the nationalization of all railways. The post-war economic difficulties prevented the investments needed to modernize the sector. In the 1960 and 1970, investments were directed to the renewal of roads, electrification of works and acquisition of rolling stock. From the 1980 closed 905 kilometers of railway lines and 893 kilometers severely understaffed closed for goods traffic only. In 2005 underwent a renovation and walked activity the provision of rail services of people and goods and maintenance of rolling stock and rail.
GOVERNING : Interest Network General. Channel major traffic flows, interregional and international connections and access to borders, ports and airports of general interest. Represents over 75% of high-capacity network in Spain and registers more than half of traffic.
Tertiary : e l tertiary sector comprises activities that do not produce or transform raw materials, but a series of service goods, such as trade, transport, communications, social services, public administration, education, scientific research, medicine, banking, etc. This sector has been provided so complex that has forced to make some differentiation between different activities, for example, there is already talk of quaternary sector to refer to financial and administrative activities with respect to other commercial services in transportation, Public and personal services.
transport system : set transportation modes that meet the needs of displacement in the area of \u200b\u200bpeople and goods. The different modes of transport are based on a territory through peer networks and infrastructure equipment.
bulk traffic : transport system of goods by sea which includes the distribution of solid and liquid bulk, ie large deposits. There are two types of bulk traffic: a) liquid bulk (petroleum products, natural gas or other fluids), b) bulk solids (cement, coal, grain, ore, steel products, etc..).
T ourism : tourism is called population movements whose aim is associated with leisure, by extension, the term also applies to all activities that contribute to implement these movements and meet the demand of tourists.
rural tourism: tourism model linked to the rural area and its relationship with the environment. This is a tourism model expanding European Union-funded with FEDER funds, is seen as an endogenous potential of rural areas. Its objectives include the recovery of the architectural heritage, the attenuation of depopulation and complementarity with farming and handicrafts.


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