Thursday, April 14, 2011

Duration Of Viral Throat Infection

A bailar!

Facts .. .. Non-stop dancing ...

Congress of Psychiatry. Buenos Aires

Dancing also prevent mental disorders

The Taragana Fernando says expert in gerontopsychiatry

Caminar tambiƩn previene trastornos mentales

Taragana Fernando, Argentina Association of Psychiatrists .

Like it or not much of psychology and psychiatry today are indelible traces of Cartesian dualism that saw the mind and body as two opposing substances. However, in his inaugural speech of the 17 th International Congress of Psychiatry, which just ended in this city, Dr. Fernando Taragana, Congress President and Head of the Association gerontopsychiatry Psychiatric Argentina, launched a provocative claim: that in a country whose population is aging rapidly,

the best preventive intervention in mental health for the next 30 years is ... physical activity such as walking, swimming, cycling or dancing! .

"If the population continues to grow at its current pace, by 2040 we will have more than three million people 65 years or more, with

anxiety, depression, insomnia and vascular dementia ,

Taragana says. Our mission is to prevent, to get people not only live longer but also live better.

"Being active brings many benefits at any time of life. But at a certain age, aerobic intervention is a medical treatment."

-surprising that the activity proposed to treat psychological problems. We tend to identify psychiatric therapy with Freud's couch ...

"However, both approaches are not opposed at all. We must expand our formulary.

"In a way, do you propose to reconcile body and mind?

"This does not mean or go against therapies or against drugs. But that is after an event. Before is prevention, and in that sense, among the most important factors that can be modified are psychosocial factors.

- What are the proven effects of aerobic activity?

-Reduces the risk of depression, anxiety and insomnia, and increases energy levels and wellbeing.
- Is there a precise moment that should be implemented?
- There is a window of opportunity. Love is beautiful in all ages, but initially it configures the existence of our structure and constituent mental. Similarly,

exercise in youth is very good for many reasons, but after 50 years it becomes a medical intervention, because oxygenation returns, returns vascular endothelial function and reverses the process many medical conditions .
"If it's so easy to practice, what attributes are not routinely use physical activity as psychological therapy?
- I really like what you said Epictetus says that 55 years after Christ. He wondered if it would be impossible to change what is thought control. Psychiatrists and psychologists hear all the time:
"I, if I want, I quit tomorrow," "Tomorrow I start doing gymnastics" or "I do not cocaine controls, the leave when I want. " If a thought to control something, difficult to modify. And on the other hand, psychiatrists still do not know how to use aerobic activity in psychiatry, because this is new all over the world, not only in Buenos Aires and Argentina, but also in Switzerland, Austria, in Oxford ... We must respond to the impact of changing population structures generated in the quality of care.

- Is accepting patients?

"We look and say" no, doctor, give me a pill. " Aerobic intervention is badly accepted, and yet reduce the risk of early death, heart disease and hypertension, and even cancer colon. Provide better weight control, lower levels of diabetes, increase bone strength and improving balance. And if adults are going to be so, better be healthy.

Workshops: Body Language, Dance.

opened new areas. Bulnes 892. CABA

Songs in the body.

-Body Expression Dance Day: Saturday 14 May. 10 to 17Hs

Solar Water Bearer. Abasto. PTDO La Plata


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