Thursday, April 14, 2011

How To Build Cb Liner Amp Dvd


rural landscapes resulting from the combination of the natural environment with agricultural activity of man. Therefore, when they make a comment, you must take into account both aspects.
1. Location : interior landscape, coast, mountain, valley, etc.
2. Analysis of the natural elements
a) Terrain:
- landforms (mountains, plains, coast .. .).
- Ways of modeling (granite, limestone, clay, a product of differential erosion .. .).
b) Vegetation Types (forest, scrub, grassland ...), species, size, distribution ...
c) Soil Types (Terra fusca, terra rossa, brown earth southern alluvial soil , volcanic ...), quality.
d) Waters: type (sea, rivers, streams, aquifers ...), location, speed and flow of rivers.
e) Climate: deduct from the previous sections.
3. Analysis of the human elements :
a) Features of the agrarian structure:
- Size, shape and boundaries plots.
- production technologies (traditional or modern machinery, type of fertilizer, greenhouses, irrigation drip ...)
b) settlement and rural habitat, type of settlement (concentrated, scattered ...) and grouping (linear, crowded), other form of settlement (urbanizaciones. ..), characteristics of the house (traditional, new models ...) and its integration with the environment.
c) Road network: Type (interwoven, juxtaposed), impact on rural areas, etc.
d) Political activity: Construction of water, land consolidation ...
4. Analysis of the uses of rural space :
a) Location and extent of each land use: agriculture, livestock, forestry.
b) agricultural uses of land:
; - types of crops, livestock and forest species.
- crop production systems (crop rotation, fallow, dryland / irrigated waterworks) and livestock production (natural pastures, housing ...)
- Performance and Productivity: extensive and intensive systems , high or low productivity.
- Destination of production, consumption, market, industrial transformation. Be inferred from the degree of landscape development, product specialization, the presence of food industries, etc..
c) Other land uses: residential, industrial, tourism, etc..
5. Location rural landscape: as the preceding paragraphs, determine the type of rural landscape and its possible location, as nearly as possible.
6. problems of rural areas:
a) Related farming: type of activities plot sizes, infrastructure and facilities ...
b) Related to the environment: the impact of human activities (over-exploitation, pollution abandonment ...); activity (rural exodus ...).
7. Future prospects : forecasts based on how current developments and the PAC, potential for rural planning, etc..


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