Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Requip Side Effectsgay


City: the government and administration of a municipality. It is composed of the mayor and council members. Its historical precedents dating back to the Roman administration. In Spain there are 8,112 municipalities, of which 6,823 have less than 100 2 Km area. 84% of these municipalities have less than 5,000 people and account for 13.1% of the total English population.
Cabildo, the island government in the Canaries. This is an administration feature of the island communities that give self-government in each island through the councils in the Canaries and the Balearics Consell.
Autonomous Community: The term takes the old concept of an autonomous region in 1931. It identifica con las tradicionales regiones históricas. Son entidades jurídicas y administrativas con competencias políticas. Se corresponden con las antiguas entidades territoriales históricas, pero también con aquellas que no teniendo tradición han creado entidades propias. Se establecieron atendiendo a criterios históricos, culturales económicos y geográficos.
Criterios de convergencia : fueron las condiciones impuestas en el Tratado de Maastricht (1993) para la admisión de los estados miembros de la entonces Comunidad Europea en la Unión Económica y Monetaria. Establecía límites in a number of magnitudes that could not exceed, inflation (2.5%), interest rates (7.5%), deficit (3%) and debt (less than 60% of GDP).
Nueva Planta decrees : Decrees issued by Philip V between 1707 and 1716 which resulted in the abolition of privileges, institutions and privileges of the Crown of Aragon. Imposed on the organization and the English law and abolished internal customs. Aragon introduced in the districts and local administrative unit. In 1718, 34 municipalities were created later called provinces.
territorial imbalance : inequalities that occur between different spatial units that form in English territory. May be of socio-economic (GDP, income ...), political (capital) or natural (natural resources). The origin is usually explained on the basis of economic criteria, due to the development of the industrialization process in Spain and demographic imbalances, with a greater weight of the population in the periphery than in the center (except Madrid).
Diocese: administrative group within the Roman imperial era high in the Iberian Peninsula within a province or cities grouped convents. In times of Diocletian, in 293, during the late empire, the Diocese became groups of provinces, ie acquired greater legal status. During the fourth century AD, the dioceses were grouped under an overhead structure, the prefecture . So Hispania was a diocese (Diocese Hispaniarum ) of the Prefecture of Gaul, which was subdivided into seven provinces: Ballearica, Gallaetia, Betica, Lusitania, Carthaginians, and Mauretania Tarraconensis Tingitana.
Provincial : is the governing body of the provinces in Spain in the current law, except in one province Communities in imposing the regional government. It is headed by a President assisted by a Board of Government and Parliament. His skills are: a) The coordination of municipal services to each other, to guarantee full and adequate provision for the entire provincial territory of the municipal services competition; b) assistance and legal cooperation, economic and technical municipalities, especially those of lower economic and management capacity; c) The provision of public services supramunicipal and, where applicable, the supra.
ERDF: European Regional Development Fund. L ERDF aims to strengthen economic and social cohesion in the European Union by correcting imbalances between its regions. Since 1975, grants aid to build infrastructure and productive investments capable of generating employment, particularly for the benefit of enterprises. In summary, the ERDF finances:
  • direct aid to investments in companies (especially SMEs) to create sustainable jobs;
  • related infrastructure especially research and innovation, telecommunications, environment, energy and transport;
  • financial instruments (venture capital funds, local development funds ...) to support regional and local development and promote cooperation between cities and regions;
  • technical assistance measures.
ERDF can intervene in the three new regional policy objectives:
  • Convergencia;
  • Regional competitiveness and employment;
  • European territorial cooperation.
Cohesion Fund : a structural instrument of the EU, since 1994, helping Member States to reduce economic and social disparities and to stabilize their economies. The Cohesion Fund finances up to 85% of the eligible costs of major projects in the field of environment and transport infrastructure. This measure strengthens cohesion and solidarity within the EU. Eligible are the least prosperous Member States of the Union, whose gross domestic product (GDP) per capita is less than 90% of the EU average (from 1/5/2004 are Greece, Portugal, Spain, Cyprus, Republic Czech, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia).
Inter-territorial Compensation Fund : financing instrument consisting of a State government funds for capital expenditure, the resources are distributed by Parliament between those regions and provinces, where appropriate, to correct economic imbalances between areas and enforce the principle of solidarity. Its regulation is contained in the Constitution (art. 158.2) and the Law 7 / 1984 of March 31, Inter-territorial Compensation Fund.
Structural Funds, are instruments of the European Union to promote harmonious development throughout the European Union aimed at strengthening its economic and social cohesion. The European Union has two Structural Funds: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and European Social Fund (ESF).
ESF, established in 1958, is aimed at promoting employment opportunities and occupational and geographical mobility of workers and facilitate their adaptation to industrial changes and changes systems production, especially through training and retraining. Mainly financed training activities to promote the employability of the unemployed and disadvantaged sectors of the population.
Community Initiative: are special programs that the European Commission proposes to Member States co-financed by the Structural Funds, to help solve specific problems concerning the Union. INTERREG IV, URBACT II, \u200b\u200bINTERACT II, \u200b\u200bRTE-T, JEREMIE, JESSICA, JASPERS are some of the most important.
Municipalities : The arrival of the Bourbons in Spain meant the unification of jurisdictions, laws, customs and currencies established a centralized state model. Trying to unify provincial government municipalities are created, then called provinces, which gave the civil power Mayors of the province and established a new model of government, provincial, non-traditional outside the realms of the English Monarchy and model provides the basis for provincial and territorial administrative English, despite the many subsequent amendments.
GDP: Gross Domestic Product. Value of production of goods and services a country for a year.
Regional policy: The set of corrective measures implemented by government to address regional imbalances and achieve a more equitable regional development. These measures are aimed at the most backward regions in their socioeconomic development.
Province: basic territorial unit of administrative division of Spain. The model of provinces established in 1833 by Javier Burgos is the current and was designed in response to demographic criteria, surface, and major natural barriers, although some modifications have been introduced later. Canary For example, in 1927, became a province of two Tenerife and Las Palmas was renamed Santander Cantabria and Asturias Oviedo renamed. This is the basic local government that brings together the municipalities forming not only entities but also territorial constituencies. The provincial government is for, at present, the Provincial Government, except in one province Communities.
disposable household income : is that families are left behind the payment of social charges and taxes and after the perceived social benefits. Communities that have an above average level are Navarra, Madrid, Catalonia, the Balearic Islands and the Basque Country.
per capita income : production related to population (per capita GDP .) More accurately reflects the degree of economic development in a region.
Economic Development Zone : they are less developed areas by level of income and unemployment rate.


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