Tuesday, October 16, 2007

How Do You Move The Paintings On Poptropica


The soul, spirit and body

training in the first year of the District of San Juan II, the appeal presented us their positions, and used as separate terms what we know, soul, spirit and body, as part of the trilogy, culminating in joining God in creation and human development. His approach caught my attention. Due to time constraints, we could not work on these concepts and I could see the difference or similarity of the terms soul and spirit. That was enough to start thinking until inevitably decided to write what I think on the subject. Ask yourself what is the spirit?, What is substance, energy, or flow?, What are their functions?, Where does and where it goes?, What form it, if any? The soul, what is? Likewise, ask the same questions about what is the soul.
The concept body, belong to the tangible world, the answers but very complex in terms of the scientific description of it, was better and easier understanding for me. I defined the body as container and structure endowed with power to act. " This definition leads me to other philosophical issues concerning epistemology the concept itself. The body as container means it was made to contain something, forcing me to accept a predestination of it and the existence of a divine constructor. Ontological contradiction would talk about spirit and soul without accepting the presence of a divine constructor. As it would be contradictory to talk about the construction of matter, without accepting the presence of the builder who has done everything. Was for Aristotle to Aquinas, God, that everything moves in stillness, where everything you do. Conceptions of God of these philosophers are irrefutable, or at least to date, no other explanation. Science has devoted to know how God does things to imitate him, after all, He made us in His image and likeness, so there is nothing wrong in wanting to be like Him, therefore, whether to define what is the body, there much difficulty in its philosophical conceptualization, imagine what it means to work with reason, with the concepts spirit and soul.
except when I pointed to "work with reason, because it is my goal to think about these terms without the use of faith or my beliefs, while I can. Well, after making these notes, I think I clarified some of my many doubts, I feel a little more comfortable reflect on what is the soul and what is the spirit. With the caveat that these terms have undergone translations for centuries have been influenced by the interests of all kinds, try to speak of them in a very personal perspective. Taking as a starting point of Greek philosophy, Socrates stated in its conception of reason, that man was born with a spirit endowed with divine knowledge, and that God has placed his spirit in the being born. Socrates understood that the knowledge of God dwelt among men and by the memory that recalls the divine world, man could be educated. In our religion
Jewish foundation Christian, Jehovah breathed into the nostrils of Adam and endowed him with divine life and spiritual understanding. We Christians, we understand the divine knowledge exists, but because of original sin, we are short of the grace of God. Plato argued that human reason dwelling in the soul and that is why he received the ideas that existed in the world of ideas.
From the beginning the Jews, Greeks and others began to talk about the terms spirit and soul, sometimes as a synonym and sometimes as separate entities. Moreover, when at our meeting in the District arise these terms separately, it seems to me that what started Abraham, Socrates, Plato and other great thinkers, remains a question which is now exposed to the directors of San Juan II.
This is a personal and professional challenge, as we are involved in answering the following question: Is the Spirit and Soul are distinct entities, or is it the same divine being? Was there a single breath of God in Adam or were two puffs? When Socrates uses the word as a tool to activate maieutics divine memory, who asked, the spirit or soul? Our district has a maximum depth of philosophical questions with which we work. However, it seems to me that the spirit is the gift of life that makes us. Being is an attribute of the essence, what I am is my foundation.
So the divine spirit contains the elements that make us like God. The spirit is God indwelling power. The soul is an organ of the spirit. The spirit makes us and the soul is what makes us do. Recall that Plato locates human reason in the soul and argued that only through the discipline of it we can see the light. Learning is what the spirit world. It is the spirit contact with the outside world. The soul is created and shaped by the spirit and its immortality is undeniable, but their presence does not.
Men who act in evil they do because they have killed the faculty of the mind to create, retain and develop this body, the soul. The soul is the contact of spirit with the world and is once accustomed to bad reason is disposed to the good. The spirit is glorified or corrupted, develop or become ill, depending on the development of the soul.
The habit of doing good things does the spirit of the glorification of the deeds. Actions arising from its divine origin and then is born and develops the soul and thus create men of conscience. When is the vice which governs our doing, our spirit is corrupted by his actions. So the soul does not develop, or abandon us and so do men become men heartless.
Men heartless live alone in spirit, in a spirit sick, lonely and poorly developed that only allows them to exist. However glorified men living in harmony of spirit and soul. A heart filled with God's commands and working with the world soul, and spirit mandate. This harmony of spirit and soul leads to mental and physical health. "In the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks," said Jesus. "A healthy mind in a sound body," said the Greeks. I set
then, the maxim that to develop our soul we must make a habit of doing well. Like any habit is reduced to rational practice to get used to doing good things and do good things, being good is not a matter of conviction, but a matter of choice. I'm good because I propose, it is my duty to be rational. The habit of doing well educates the soul and nourishes the spirit. So the great mystery of doing good and avoiding evil is also a thing to be educated on the good things.
work of teachers is then taught to do good is a matter of educating the reason that dwells in the human soul to emphasize this goal. It is recognized that educational institutions have a moral mandate to become teachers in moral spokesmen. Then, after having been educated man in the well, if after learning the power of God, insists hombre en ser malo, ese hombre debe ser llamado insensato, torpe y terco y sobre él toda consecuencia.
Bueno, tal vez todo lo que estoy diciendo puede complicar más las cosas, pero me muero por estar presente en la próxima reunión de consejeros del Distrito de San Juan II donde además de todos los temas que tratamos en estas reuniones, entremos nosotros a disertar sobre este tema.
Ah, estoy seguro de que no faltará quién ponga en entre dicho la pertinencia de mis planteamientos y diga que el tema del espíritu y del alma y de Dios es algo privativo de religiosos, reverendos o monjes. A esos quiero recordarle que la mas alta función de la escuela es la de educar el alma, por que en ella se encuentra la conciencia and consciousness is achieved only with justice. No man is more educated than the man ... you just said Eugenio María de Hostos "Higher than the sage lives just because more high that the truth is justice." Dr. Jorge H
. Aruz Larrache

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Can You Put Aveeno Tattoo

Arete and immortal curriculum

At the time of the Hellenic world was learning the process as standard or maximum the divine world. Students were trained to be as wise and as brave as the gods. In Athens there was a curriculum that grew out of the poems of Homer and Hesiod called Arete. Trying to imitate the life of Zeus, being so wise and strong as him or imitate the value of Apollo was the self-imposed limit that society Athens to be considered educated. This attitude led them to develop ideas that have not yet been overcome. For example the concept of democracy, polytheism or monotheism recognized the power of a supreme God above all God or natural power, are the beginning of a monotheistic vision that had already manifested itself with roots in the Hebrew society.

The Arete was the first attempt to get the truth imitating the virtues of the gods, especially the virtue of wisdom. It is as if the concept we have today of what is to be holy, for it was tantamount to being wise. With this attitude the Greeks had developed pride in the wisdom and ran first through faith in God and doubt to investigate how the man of his natural intelligence. Socrates using the reflection method concluded that man is ignorant because they have forgotten God in their development process. He claimed that knowledge is obtained in the process of asking to remember the bond we have with the divine. He called this process
Another Athenian Plato thought that the ideas came from a divine world and these ideas came into the minds of humans to humans understood the world. The requirement for advent to this knowledge was the discipline of our minds, our spirit and our body. Just being disciplined We could hear the voice of the power of God Finally Aristotle gave an additional tool to the world with the establishment of contemplation as a way to find the truth and so be immortalized in history.

other hand, in Sparta the curriculum is known by the name of Agogo. This was based on the valor and courage in battle. The battle cry, "prepared for victory" was his philosophical maxim that forced discipline, endurance, develop a love for country and pride in their origin. In Puerto Rico we must remember these curricula to develop a country like Athens and Sparta in its wisdom in value. I promise to speak this in my next article.

Dr. Jorge H. Aruz Larrache

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

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Candidates bet on Internet Extremadura

Extremadura election campaigns, as in other communities, is coming to an end and to within 4 days is the duty of citizens. Extremadura candidates to the presidency of the Junta de Extremadura have burned all their cartridges giving rallies by numerous cities and towns in the region.
Candidates "stronger", ie the PP and PSOE have paid much attention to its image in the network due to its global nature (for reaching millions of people .) We can find their personal pages, videos or blogs, which have had a proliferation in this campaign.

Guillermo Fernández Vara , PSOE's candidate for the presidency of the Junta de Extremadura, has undertaken a comprehensive campaign care much detail. His program covers many areas such as youth, environment, aging, agriculture, etc. Your blog has been active since January this year, when he began his career as a candidate. In it we find all the proposals, views and news about events, meetings and meetings he attends.

Carlos Floriano , PP candidate for president of the Junta de Extremadura, introduced a campaign that also has a strong presence on the web. Floriano program pledge to change after 24 years in office Psoe; its 659 proposals cover many issues of concern to citizens. This candidate also writes a blog newspaper TODAY Extremadura which develops some topics included in his campaign.

political parties has already shuffled his cards and have put on the table, now is the turn of citizens.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

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Internet also has its day

Tomorrow May 17 marks the World Day telecommunications . Many cities in Spain are organizing events to celebrate this day. Malaga, Cordoba, Junta de Castilla y León or the Government of Andalusia, among others collect various events for this day.

Two worlds, real and virtual, live in parallel on this day. The virtual world Second Life features a replica of events organized by the Ministry of Industry at Casa de America (Madrid). In this place will be interviews, debates, competitions., So that everyone has the opportunity to learn the benefits of the network.

Youth has a big role this year so necessary for their integration and contribution to the development of Information Society. Besides the organizers and perpetrators of this day have wanted to dedicate this year's Day Internet to this sector.

The fact of choosing the May 17 to celebrate the Internet Day is because the first International Telegraph Convention was signed on this day in the year 1973 This International Telecommunications Union chose this day. Further progress in this sector, the public entity will develop Red.es II Edition of Historical Memory Fotoblog in Spain.

Many digital media have echoed the conclusion of this day. Elpais.com today includes a story about that challenges the citizens to live without the Internet. Elmudo.es also echoes of this article highlighting the fact that 54% of the English network is not yet known.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Red Wine Heartpalpitations

conclusions after analysis of a digital newspaper

touched on this occasion to analyze a digital diary as a whole. The day chosen for this analysis was elpais.com.

The first conclusion reached is that nothing is free in this life, and therefore to access the pdf format of the newspaper must subscribe and pay a fee monthly. Yet this fee is 0.50 euros, so it's not a fortune.

After observing this, the cover is our next object of study. Every few minutes the front page of updates and changes digital Currently offering more immediate. Moreover, all the cover story are linked with others to expand the information.
Another issue we have observed is the source of the news. Most of them come from agencies, but also news originating in the newsroom.
information immediacy function governing a digital newspaper is also fulfilled in this because it has a section called "Ultimate" which is updated every few minutes providing the latest news.

The multimedia and interactivity of the newspaper are also covered, but it is something that we will not stop because they are issues we have discussed in other post.
Once again we have witnessed the advance of technology. Who would have thought years ago that we would know what is going on at once?

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

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II Congress on blogs and Web journalism

The past 25 to April 26 was held at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid II Congress on blogs and journalism. At the congress
participated as speakers many characters in the world of communication as Juan Varela, Fernando González and Rafael Jimenez Claudin Urbaneja.
The conference lasted two days and each participant was gradually giving their ideas and views on the new course is taking journalism and its relationship with new technologies.
The objectives pursued by this conference were many, including the main ones are:
  • Bringing the world attending the same Internet and network connection with journalism and communication.
  • Address the issue of blogs, their value and use and the importance they are acquiring.

The conference gave special importance to academia and journalism of the future. It was an event to process, analyze and discuss the future of the profession and new media.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

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The Ministry of Culture launched in December last year a campaign called "against piracy, defend your culture .

is an awareness campaign that used slogans like "we are surrounded by ideas, we read, we sing, we dance with them. The ideas make us grow and live and have new ideas. Stealing is a way to kill them. Does not it make more sense to protect what is part of us? ". This claim that we are aware that piracy is a crime, is a steal.

Also in the section the campaign could find on the website of this ministry, we find a link called "spread the word" in which we can freely download the logo of the campaign, the same movies or commercials.

also , the digital media also echoed this campaign. In
pais.com appears news about the cost referred to that this campaign will lead, as well as media to be broadcast.

The newspaper "El Mundo" also echoes this news particular emphasis on the amount of money the ministry has spent in the campaign. More interesting is a blog of're the same medium, "The Amber" , in which the author gives a more critical perspective on this campaign also talk about other media who engage copies.

Piracy is neither desirable nor appropriate for many
individuals, groups or companies engaged in the fields of music, film, publishing, etc. Evidence of this is the constant attempt to impose measures to prevent copying.

We can find many pictures that refer to the undesirability of piracy, such as that found on the right.

Despite this, there is one thing that both the Ministry of Culture as the other groups mentioned above do not fall, that is the price of CD's, books, DVD's, etc. Many people can not access products for its high cost. Then if the groups publishers, music producers and other companies involved in creating these products go down in prices, this can reduce piracy because these items would be more affordable. And to put a real example of this, I can tell you that last week I had to buy three books for one subject from the race and the total amounted to 60 € cifra exorbitada, y que una estudiante de periodismo a duras penas se puede permitir.
En fin, que la piratería está mal porque es un robo, pero también lo es el costo de los productos.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Ken Gordon, Colorado,artist

piracy campaign in the media interactivity

En esta ocasión toca analizar las diversas herramientas que incluyen los medios digitales en sus webs. A continuación aparece una lista de medios y de sus herramientas con enlaces a las mismas para que todos podais visitarlas.

> elmundo.es has a section called
"Community" where we can find a forum called "desktop" a place to talk about wine and its culture to another section called "open forum" which is an open forum where wide range of topics discussed, we also find a section for discussion, they are classified by theme: Spain, Madrid, society, culture, economy, sports, etc; elsewhere are talks within which we can access different rooms and even go in private rooms where only speaks who you want.
on the website of the newspaper "El Mundo" There is also a place to
"Encuentros" where readers can ask questions of the characters or guest of the day.
addition we can rectify some of the news published, and that the media enables this option.

> elpais.com has a section called
"Participate" offered discussion forums on various topics, polls with three possible answers, a chat with different rooms, a published for readers phrases, some tests and, of course, blogs of journalists.

> abc.es also includes its website a section called
"Participation" where we can find a chat, some discussion forums on current issues, readers have the opportunity to comment on the news, is invited digital encounters with characters, it is proposed Question of the day for the sailors say, surveys on some issues and of course blogs.

> lavanguardia.es provides a "forum
health" in Catalan, a "forum-debate" in proposing a topic for readers make their comments, other forums of various topics, some polls and a section for readers think .

> elperiodico.com has a section within the main page called "+ sections" in which we find another division called "participation." Here is hereby offers
surveys, forums and chats for readers involved.

> elcorreodigital.es has a section called
"Participation" where there are forums on various topics, a clinic for readers to ask about some matter, another section where you can make inquiries, chats and a space where you can send your photos.

> lavozdegalicia.es on their website also includes interactive elements. For example there
meetings with people who the newspaper thinks appropriate, debates on an interesting theme, a chat and some forums .

> libertaddigital.com has forums which are divided into sections: national forum on the forums, international, economy, internet, society, culture and sports. It also has a chat different rooms to chat with people about politics, religion, computers, etc.

> cadenaser.com contains a section called "Participate" in we can find forums, chat , surveys and interviews . The topics are varied and the people interviewed.

> telecinco.es has a chat and forums on the programs of this television channel.

As we have noted the different media include a number of tools to make your pages more attractive and involve visitors.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

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The different formats of blogs. Analysis

have talked a lot on blogs. But it has missed comment that blogs can be presented in different formats. There
personal blogs such as "blog Octavio Rojas" in which the journalist includes its news and public relations, media and communications, as well as videos and other items that this reporter believes appropriate.
Other blogs may be present informative as is the case "Afriblog" , a blog that discusses the news of each country in Africa and provides links to organizations and other sites of interest related to this continent.
A third format blogs are created to cover an event specific information. This is the blog TRAINTIC "Londres 7-J" created to address the news of the July 7 bombings in London.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Wetness Days Before Period


media, as I said, have also decided to include blogs on their websites.
Some of them are:
elmundo.es whose website includes some personal blogs of journalists. These journalists discuss some news, events or any subject that interests them. Blogs by various names as "the scorpion" or "decoder" .
elpais.com includes very colorful blogs. The posts on this website are created by subject A blog about soccer, politics and arts , other about sex, a journal from Iraq, among others.
abc.es has a section very similar to the previous blogs. Their blogs are also divided by themes: sports , motor , film, music , health, etc.
clarin.com includes blogs of journalists who, as in elmundo.es, writing on topics that seem appropriate. Some of the most interesting are: "metronautas" , "store" and "public square" .

> libertaddigital.com has three blogs written by three journalists. The first is "The enigma of the M11" Luis del Pino which addresses various issues related to the March 11 bombings in Madrid. The second is "Present and Past" Pio Moa they appear wide range of topics in a special way with an innovative vision. The third and last is "The penultimate raulista vivo Juan Manuel Rodriguez, a blog about soccer.
20minutos.es includes blogs of journalists who choose to embody their opinions in this space. These journalists cover many topics of current interest and concern.

> blogs.telecinco.es includes four large groups of blogs. These are: "wild group" a blog about cinema "war of figures" in which current issues are discussed with particular attention to the numbers behind the news; "Formula 1" a blog for the sport and "The tension" a space for politics.
Until next

Thursday, March 29, 2007

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media reportage on blogs in TVE La 2

TVE La 2 has also echoed the phenomenon they are assuming personal blogs. Thus in his report appeared a story on them. No certainly have become a means of reference, opinion and voice to the people, so it means the rest of the students and even a few, have included blogs on their websites. But it does speak to you in the next post.

to another

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Do Taking Baths Shrink My Dick

Blogs: fever personal diaries on the net

http://video.google.es/videoplay?docid=4241376347493906046&q=label% 3A% 22blogs% 22

Blogs have increased in popularity in recent times. Today, anyone can have one in an easy and fast.

Thanks to them all over the world who wants to can make known their views, present to the rest of those spaces and pages of liking to it, share pictures and videos, that is, a place for each contribution to the world anything it deems appropriate and that you think may be of use to others.

These small worlds within Internet facilitate and support the path of freedom of expression. This way no one who has something to tell the world may be silent.

to politicians, media and others have echoed its importance and relevance, forgive the rhyme, and you are using. But this is an issue we will discuss in future entries.

Best regards and until next time.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

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Journalism Class

When we hear "we live in society information" is not in vain. In today's class we have seen and compared the use of technology as necessary and essential, in the aforementioned information society.
Developments Internet and mobile telephony in our society has been increasing over the years, so that soon everyone will have a mobile phone, and each household will be connected to Internet.
advanced society, do we drag with to counter it or walk?

Advance with it means joining the world of progress and technology, an innovative new world every day we discover something unthinkable. Years ago to communicate with someone on the other side of the world was costly and expensive, now is the easiest to sevicios here.

And this is just one example. Because the amount of services that are put salo hand are innumerable, some indescribable.

A greeting and to another.