Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Wetness Days Before Period


media, as I said, have also decided to include blogs on their websites.
Some of them are:
elmundo.es whose website includes some personal blogs of journalists. These journalists discuss some news, events or any subject that interests them. Blogs by various names as "the scorpion" or "decoder" .
elpais.com includes very colorful blogs. The posts on this website are created by subject A blog about soccer, politics and arts , other about sex, a journal from Iraq, among others.
abc.es has a section very similar to the previous blogs. Their blogs are also divided by themes: sports , motor , film, music , health, etc.
clarin.com includes blogs of journalists who, as in elmundo.es, writing on topics that seem appropriate. Some of the most interesting are: "metronautas" , "store" and "public square" .

> libertaddigital.com has three blogs written by three journalists. The first is "The enigma of the M11" Luis del Pino which addresses various issues related to the March 11 bombings in Madrid. The second is "Present and Past" Pio Moa they appear wide range of topics in a special way with an innovative vision. The third and last is "The penultimate raulista vivo Juan Manuel Rodriguez, a blog about soccer.
20minutos.es includes blogs of journalists who choose to embody their opinions in this space. These journalists cover many topics of current interest and concern.

> blogs.telecinco.es includes four large groups of blogs. These are: "wild group" a blog about cinema "war of figures" in which current issues are discussed with particular attention to the numbers behind the news; "Formula 1" a blog for the sport and "The tension" a space for politics.
Until next


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