Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Aetna Dental Vs Delta Plan

The Ministry of Culture launched in December last year a campaign called "against piracy, defend your culture .

is an awareness campaign that used slogans like "we are surrounded by ideas, we read, we sing, we dance with them. The ideas make us grow and live and have new ideas. Stealing is a way to kill them. Does not it make more sense to protect what is part of us? ". This claim that we are aware that piracy is a crime, is a steal.

Also in the section the campaign could find on the website of this ministry, we find a link called "spread the word" in which we can freely download the logo of the campaign, the same movies or commercials.

also , the digital media also echoed this campaign. In appears news about the cost referred to that this campaign will lead, as well as media to be broadcast.

The newspaper "El Mundo" also echoes this news particular emphasis on the amount of money the ministry has spent in the campaign. More interesting is a blog of're the same medium, "The Amber" , in which the author gives a more critical perspective on this campaign also talk about other media who engage copies.

Piracy is neither desirable nor appropriate for many
individuals, groups or companies engaged in the fields of music, film, publishing, etc. Evidence of this is the constant attempt to impose measures to prevent copying.

We can find many pictures that refer to the undesirability of piracy, such as that found on the right.

Despite this, there is one thing that both the Ministry of Culture as the other groups mentioned above do not fall, that is the price of CD's, books, DVD's, etc. Many people can not access products for its high cost. Then if the groups publishers, music producers and other companies involved in creating these products go down in prices, this can reduce piracy because these items would be more affordable. And to put a real example of this, I can tell you that last week I had to buy three books for one subject from the race and the total amounted to 60 € cifra exorbitada, y que una estudiante de periodismo a duras penas se puede permitir.
En fin, que la piratería está mal porque es un robo, pero también lo es el costo de los productos.


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