Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Red Wine Heartpalpitations

conclusions after analysis of a digital newspaper

touched on this occasion to analyze a digital diary as a whole. The day chosen for this analysis was elpais.com.

The first conclusion reached is that nothing is free in this life, and therefore to access the pdf format of the newspaper must subscribe and pay a fee monthly. Yet this fee is 0.50 euros, so it's not a fortune.

After observing this, the cover is our next object of study. Every few minutes the front page of updates and changes digital Currently offering more immediate. Moreover, all the cover story are linked with others to expand the information.
Another issue we have observed is the source of the news. Most of them come from agencies, but also news originating in the newsroom.
information immediacy function governing a digital newspaper is also fulfilled in this because it has a section called "Ultimate" which is updated every few minutes providing the latest news.

The multimedia and interactivity of the newspaper are also covered, but it is something that we will not stop because they are issues we have discussed in other post.
Once again we have witnessed the advance of technology. Who would have thought years ago that we would know what is going on at once?


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