Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Sasuke Sakura A Love Story

Internet also has its day

Tomorrow May 17 marks the World Day telecommunications . Many cities in Spain are organizing events to celebrate this day. Malaga, Cordoba, Junta de Castilla y León or the Government of Andalusia, among others collect various events for this day.

Two worlds, real and virtual, live in parallel on this day. The virtual world Second Life features a replica of events organized by the Ministry of Industry at Casa de America (Madrid). In this place will be interviews, debates, competitions., So that everyone has the opportunity to learn the benefits of the network.

Youth has a big role this year so necessary for their integration and contribution to the development of Information Society. Besides the organizers and perpetrators of this day have wanted to dedicate this year's Day Internet to this sector.

The fact of choosing the May 17 to celebrate the Internet Day is because the first International Telegraph Convention was signed on this day in the year 1973 This International Telecommunications Union chose this day. Further progress in this sector, the public entity will develop II Edition of Historical Memory Fotoblog in Spain.

Many digital media have echoed the conclusion of this day. today includes a story about that challenges the citizens to live without the Internet. also echoes of this article highlighting the fact that 54% of the English network is not yet known.


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