Friday, January 21, 2005

American Standart Shower Adjust Temperature

Itai Doshin Buddhism Buddhist Unit Lighting

The following article was written by Pat Allwright and Eddy Canfor, members of SGI-UK. It was published in Express UK magazine March 1987.
Seikyo Taken from Criollo, September 1997.

The Buddhist principle of unity "Itai Doshin" is the most basic of Buddhist teachings and most important, because, as established by Nichiren Daishonin in the Gosho Legacy of the Basic Law of life: "This tie spiritual basis for the transmission of the Act maximum life and death. " In other words, the spread of Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, the supreme law
all-encompassing, depends entirely on what is known as "human relations", so it is vitally important that the meaning and the spirit of "Itai Doshin" is fully understood by those who practice the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin.

Itai Doshin On The Gosho was written at a time when Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin was under severe attack. Realizing that it was impossible to intimidate and force
Nichiren silent, both government and religious authorities of the time it took to prosecute the lay followers. In particular, the region Atsuhara village, close to Mount Fuji, received, in the period between 1275 and 1280, a series of threats and attacks that later became known as "The Chase Atsuhara. " This persecution culminated in 1279 with the arrest and torture of twenty farmers, none of whom gave up their faith even though three of them were later beheaded. In this regard, Nichiren Daishonin says in the Gosho
"Hoki-bo and Sado-bo and Atsuhara believers, united in a faith full of courage, demonstrated the true strength of" Itai Doshin '. "

The strength of faith shown by the martyrs of Atsuhara was proof that, in fact, led the Daishonin to determine that the time was ripe to enter the Dai-Gohonzon,
dedicated to the "salvation of mankind" . Nichiren Daishonin inscribed the Dai-Gohonzon before they occurred above executions, which marked the climax of the persecution of Atsuhara.

Literally, Itai Doshin means
I many tai

bodies Do a shin

objective (spirit, heart, ideal, faith)

"Unit "is actually a poor translation of the concept of" Itai Doshin "because the" unit "can be expressed in different ways. For example, "Dotai Doshin, a body
(Organizational) and goal (an ideal) is, as in fascism, a form of union that tries to make all its members think and act the same way (the organizing body over individuality). This is a form of marriage doomed
it goes against the normal human behavior. Dotai Ishin (a body, many targets) describes a people united in a group (body) but disjointed in its aims, as in the case of political groups or an individual undecided. Nichiren Daishonin in the Gosho says: "Even a person whose goals conflict with each other, is destined to end in failure

Moreover, "Itai Ishin" many bodies, many goals, although not binding at all, is what applies to the normal way "join" the society at large. Many individuals and groups
various different individuals, each pursuing their own aims. "Itai Doshin" is fundamentally different from all this. "Itai" means that each individual deploys to maximize their abilities and qualities. As stated by Nichiren Daishonin in Ongi Kuden: "The flower buds of cherry, plum peach and have all their qualities and show the three properties without changing their original Buddha individual characteristics. " "Doshin" means to be united in faith in the Gohonzon and the goal of achieving Kosen-rufu. In this sense, then, "Itai Doshin" means that the Kosen-rufu only be achieved when the rich diversity of talents inherent in human life come together in support of this supreme goal. In other words, the Kosen-rufu is the sum of the individuals who, through their practice to the Gohonzon, fully reveal their nature, and carry out their individual missions in life. Far

involve any kind of commitment that is not the practice itself, the "Itai Doshin" emphasizes the need for achievement a bright individuality. The spirit of the Soka Gakkai International
is, thanks to this principle, a completely open society in which everyone can develop their true character and true skills, achieve their
Human Revolution, to achieve Buddhahood and contribute world peace. In this sense, the dialogue meetings paramount charge. President Ikeda explains
saying dialogue meetings are, in the movement of Kosen-rufu, the place to apply the faith, practice and study. They are also the ideal place to implement the principle of democracy. It is an opportunity for people to communicate yes, heart to heart, to strengthen the bonds that unite them and to move forward with renewed hope in their hearts
. Besides serving to deepen their faith and study, dialogue meetings are no meeting place for different types of people, who go from lli his gaze to the community.

This is a place where everyone can learn. My wish is that all you put top priority
dialogue meetings. From this it follows, then, we should never lay hold of the dialogue meetings on them or discriminate against anyone because that is "Transcending differences" means exceed hatred, narrow-mindedness and arrogance
, that each one learns to respect others and that all work in harmonious unity. "To become as inseparable as fish and the water they swim" means
be aware that not only our happiness, but our very lives depend to a large extent on our relationships with others: it is ridiculous to imagine, example, rejecting a fish in water

Law expounded by Buddhism is not abstract, that manifests itself in the achievement of the harmonious unity of "Itai Doshin." This is why Nichiren Daishonin says: "This spiritual bond is the basis for the universal transmission the highest law of life and death. "Recognizing the profound truth contained in this sentence we can transcend our own ego and get to respect others, but others appear to be very different from us. As a result, we feel an enormous sense of freedom, of deep gratitude for being alive. The Buddha's life force flows from within us and we can not prevent others are attracted to the Gohonzon
. If a group or district does not grow, the problem is the lack of "Itai Doshin."
However, "Itai Doshin" was not achieved because we dedicate ourselves to tell everyone "you are not united" this would imply that the responsibility and is on the other, not us.

However contradictory it may seem, the "Itai Doshin is achieved when each individual stands alone. Prayer, the spread and, therefore, the accumulation of good fortune in
our lives, we will, inevitably, to encourage others to do the same. The achievement of "Itai Doshin does not depend on us to trust that someone is going to make. By contrast, depends on the decision of each one of us, and is achieved by deepening our relationship with the Gohonzon. Then, as the Daishonin says: "Although Nichiren and his followers are few in number, by acting in 'Itai Doshin' achieve their great mission of propagating the Lotus Sutra. "

Prayer, the spread and, therefore, the accumulation of good fortune in our lives, we will, inevitably, to encourage others to do the same. The achievement of "Itai
Doshin does not depend on us to trust that someone is going to make. By contrast, depends on the decision of each one of us, and is achieved by deepening our relationship with the Gohonzon. Then, as the Daishonin says: "Although Nichiren and his followers are few in number, by acting in 'Itai Doshin' achieve their great mission of spreading Sutra Lotus. "


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