Friday, January 14, 2005

13 Year Old Bat Mitzvah Dress

Ichinen The 10 factors Sanzen

Reference: P24 Capt 2 Lotus Sutra ISBN0-231-08160-X;
Lectures on the Hoben and Juryo Chapters of the Lotus Sutra ISBN 4-88872-017-7 C1015
Unlocking the Mysteries of Birth and Death: Buddhism in the Contemporary World, Chapter 5

Ichinen The 10 factors Sanzen when you read pages 4 and 5 of the Sutra

butsu I butsu Yui. Nai no kujin. Jiss Shoho. Sho-I Shoho

The True Entity of all phenomena can only be understood and shared between Buddhas. This reality consists of:

(Top 3 factors related to the reality of life itself)

Nyo ze so -
Appearance Physical appearance of life

Nyo ze sho-Nature
provisions inherent

Nyo ze tai Institution Integrating
essences and so sho

(The following 6 factors with the functions and dynamics of Life)

Nyo ze riki -Power
inherent life force to act

Nyo ze sa-Influence
Movement produced when power is used

(The following 4 factors work to the influence of "sa")

Nyo-ze in Internal Cause
Each internal cause generated by an action, simultaneously containing a latent effect

Nyo ze en-Value
Known as external causes. Function that relates the lives of their environment.

Nyo ze ka-Effect Latent Effect
produced in the depths of life when an internal cause is activated by "in" (relationship).

Nyo ze ho-Effect Manifesto
Results (shown) that emerge over time as a result of the internal cause and the latent effect.

Nyo ze honmak Kuky to-Consistency from beginning to end.
integral factor that unites the other nine from "appearance" (so) to manifest effect (ho) at every moment of life. Consistency from beginning to end also explains that when the first three (3) factors are collectively defined as an entity (top) and six (6) the following factors as a function (purpose), both beginning and end, or the entity of all phenomena and their functions are inseparable.


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