Thursday, January 13, 2005

Zoliclone Overdoes Amount

Mercy or Unity of Body and Mind (shikishin Funi)

(Translation of Buddhism in Daily Life, SGI Quarterly, No. 16, April 1999)

Materialists argue that the only "reality" is only in the physical world or material that can be touched and measured, while some spiritual traditions see the physical as mere illusion, or something inherently impure that exists to be transcended and spiritual is seen as ultimate truth.

Buddhism sees life as the unity of the physical and spiritual. Consider all things, material or spiritual, visible or invisible, as manifestations of the same universal law class, or source of life, which is defined in the Nichiren tradition as Myojo-renge-kyo. The physical and spiritual aspects of our lives are completely inseparable and are equally importance. This is expressed in the Japanese concept of shikishin funi. Shiki refers to all spiritual or invisible phenomena, including reason, emotion and volition. Funi, literally means "two but not two."

Nichiren expressed it in a letter to one of his followers:
A person can know another's mind upon hearing his voice. This is because the physical aspect, reveals the spiritual aspect. The physical and spiritual, they are one in essence, appear as two distinct aspects.

internal emotional state of a person is revealed in their physical appearance. The feelings of someone in a state of mind happy and optimistic, can be read on his face may even be a small bounce in his step. In contrast, gait and haggard face of a person overwhelmed by suffering, can communicate their inner torment, even from afar.

our inner mental state also affects the physical functioning of our bodies. Laughter and tears are the most dramatic manifestation of this are the physical signs of our inner feelings. Physical or mental stress has been linked with a range of diseases from skin conditions, allergies, to asthma, ulcers and cancer. Depression and despair, decrease resistance of the body, making us vulnerable to a variety of diseases. Moreover, a positive determination to overcome the disease can "lead" our bodies, and even individual cells to health.

As Daisaku Ikeda says, "When our determination changes, everything starts moving in the direction we want. As soon as we resolve to be victorious, every nerve and fiber of our being, be directed immediately to our success. On the other hand, if we thought: 'This will never work,' then, at that instant, every cell of our being will fall and give up fighting. " True health

and genuine happiness should cover both the physical and spiritual. Many of the experiences of the members of SGI reported having improved health and physical or material conditions. Through the practice of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, they were able to note also the inseparability of physical and spiritual aspects in their lives. Over time, this becomes manifest in a feeling of physical and increasing clarity and purity in thought processes and perceptions. Those who are referred to as "conspicuous benefits" of Buddhist practice, relate primarily to physical and material aspects. Most important long-term, the "inconspicuous benefits" derived from continuous Buddhist practice, which is manifested in the increased self-awareness, wisdom, and compassion toward others. The latter is inconspicuous benefit, of course, enlightenment.

Buddhism sees the living as the harmonious meeting of what he calls the "five components." These are: the physical aspects of life and senses of perception, which includes the impressions received through the senses, the concept, through which we integrate the ideas about what we perceive, the volition, the will acting on the conception and consciousness, the role of insight that supports the operation of the other components. Is life force or energy that keeps these five components working together as a harmonious and integrated.

Modern medical science is only beginning to explore the subtle interconnection between body and mind, between physical and spiritual aspects of life. After all, Buddhism considers the physical and spiritual manifestations of the vital life force that is inherent in the cosmos itself.

As Nichiren wrote:
Life at each moment encompasses the same way the body and spirit, the self and the environment of all sentient beings in all conditions of life, as well as non-sensitive beings: plants, sky and earth, even the tiniest speck of dust. Life at each moment permeates the universe and is revealed in all phenomena.


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