Monday, February 7, 2005

How Long Should Nurse Essays Be

Study Questions

(From the edition of August 19, 1998 of Seikyo Shimbun, the newspaper of the Soka Gakkai.)
Seikyo Taken from Criollo, September 1998
The ideals forged during Youth sparkle like diamonds and illuminate our hearts and our minds. September 6 will take place throughout Japan to examine the second level of study for the Youth Division. Many have spent the summer studying for this test boldly. Nichiren Buddhism draws people from the most exalted humanism. The strength and passion of young people who have this philosophy without even shape the new century.
Why is it so important for young people studying the teachings of the Daishonin? There are many arguments, but I think the answer can be summarized in the following three points.
First, the study delves Buddhist faith. Never forget the time that Mr. Toda said, with deep regret that the reason why most of his colleagues had left their convictions to be pressured by the military authorities during the Second World War was that they had acquired a solid Based on knowledge of Nichiren Buddhism Daishonin. "The members did not understand really what was the faith, because it had deepened the study" he said. It terrified and bowed to the chase. It was very unfortunate. I am determined that this error does not repeat "The study is the torch illuminates the path of faith. Even the subtle and complex attacks negative forces show their true nature in the light of the Mystic Law. The study builds a solid structure for the faith and spurs our human revolution. So, Mr. Toda is dedicated to promoting hard to rebuild the Soka Gakkai after the war, as evidenced in his comprehensive series of lectures on the Lotus Sutra.
Second, the study gives impetus to the advancement of Kosen-rufu. The Gosho states the validity of Nichiren Daishonin and propagation method based on the refutation of the erroneous and the revelation of truth. Teaches in detail the commitment required of those seeking to spread widely the Mystic Law, the qualities of the Buddhist leaders and key to building capable successors. Study the Gosho is contact with the spirit of the Daishonin, is to receive, directly from the original Buddha, the supreme encouragement in the faith and for guidance to follow the right path in the transmission of his teachings. Only when we act according to the Gosho can say we have grasped the principles of Nichiren Buddhism. The study without practice is meaningless. A thorough knowledge is a source of infinite courage and let us draw our highest human potential.
Third, the study is the key to establishing a new humanistic philosophy. Extremely serious problems facing today the menace of nuclear war, ethnic conflicts, environmental problems and the collapse of education systems. People want peace and happiness, but the situation becomes increasingly obscure and confusing. This is due to the lack of a philosophy that gives the true nature of life and its functions. And here is where Buddhism. Only by returning to principles such as dignity of life, mercy, unity of body and mind, and the indivisibility of life and its environment, we can begin to pave the way for a new humanism. The Declaration on the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons Mr. Toda was also a compassionate expression of the principles of Buddhism, which seeks to protect mankind from harm. Unless members of the Youth Division, our future leaders gain a solid foundation in Buddhist philosophy, there will be no bright future for the human race.
Ours is a supreme philosophy dedicated to bringing happiness to people all over the world. Mr. All felt strongly that young people who defended the Daishonin's Buddhism would become world leaders at various levels of human activity. Sincere devotion which he put on his lectures on Buddhism always reminded me of the master swordsman who provide entirely, body and soul to their daily practice. Once, he went to Osaka to give one of their great class, but was in such poor physical condition that he asked the head of the Department of Study to be prepared to replace it. However, when it is dusk, rose of bed and announced: "I lecture myself, after all chapter 'Life Span' (Lluryo) of the Lotus Sutra says: '[And that] the task of the Buddha, is something I have never neglected even for a moment '. A Buddha is continually working to save all suffering beings, does not rest a moment. I came here to give this conference, and now I can not pass that responsibility to another. My desire is to give it if I have to die for it. " The example of my mentor, their willingness to reach even risking his life to teaching, I learned how serious the task of transmitting the Daishonin's Buddhism.
In my youth, I studied the Gosho diligently. I read both, I ended up memorizing many of the major writings. This study was based on my present life. The exams are the best encouragement you may have to deepen their knowledge of Buddhism. People who say they will present "Make as much as possible! That summer of hard work and growth is a tender memory for years to come when struggling to become winners in the faith and unparalleled expertise in humanistic teachings of Buddhism. "


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