Monday, February 7, 2005

How To Program Star Choice Remote

Doshu Shogui Addictions and Seed Remover

Seikyo Taken Criollo, August. 1998
When you put acontecimientoso careful attention to certain phenomena in their daily lives can be uncertainty or curiosity in reference to them. You can use this opportunity to learn new information or discoveries resulting from an increased interest or curiosity. For example, Newton, a man of sensitive and searching mind came up with the simple question of why apples fall to the ground? This made him known as the discoverer of the law of gravity. In this sense, is important in the life you seek the truth and overcome the superficial attachment to ideas.
In Buddhism, Sakyamuni Buddha's teachings were transmitted to uplift people in a low condition of life to a higher according to their needs and nature. When he would come to believe that the time had come to reveal the deeper teachings, using a method known as Doshu Shogui which means "remove attachments and cast doubt" to make people have doubts about their attachment to superficial teachings or ideas biased and finally led to orthodox Buddhism.
This method is in the first chapter (Llyojon) in the second chapter (Joben) and in the fifteenth chapter (Llauchi Lluyutsu) of the Lotus Sutra. Shogui Doshu see in detail in each chapter. In the first chapter (Llyojon), Sakyamuni sat in silence in the assembly of the ceremony of the Lotus Sutra. Suddenly, many incredible events occurred that left people amazed at the ceremony. For example, thousands of flowers fell like rain, the earth shook in front of distant places. After witnessing these events, the Bodhisattva Mirobu, the representative assembly, opened his mouth wondering "Why why all these strange phenomena? "This is the first Doshu Shogui in the Lotus Sutra. Because his mind was invaded by the early teachings of Sakyamuni, he was not prepared to hear the deepest law of life expressed by his teacher. So he Sakyamuni paved the way for the revelation of truth, using Doshu Shogui to cause Mirobu and other disciples had doubts regarding its commitment to the teachings above.
In previous teaching the Lotus Sutra, Sakyamuni had taught all his disciples that all people from the worlds of learning and absorbing and Bodhisattvas of the three vehicles, could achieve the level of an Arhat or a bodhisattva, but never that of a Buddha. Sharijotsu therefore known as the "wiser", he thought that would never reach Buddhahood. However, Sakyamuni began broadcasting their most important teachings in the second chapter (Joben) of the Lotus Sutra. He stated that the supreme vehicle of Buddhahood, not the three vehicles, was the goal of Buddhist practice. He made it very clear that the only purpose of the advent of a Buddha is to lead everyone to Buddhahood through the teaching of the Supreme vehicle. Sharijotsu was astonished to Sakyamuni had been taught to know that three vehicles temporarily as a skillful means leading to the single vehicle of Buddhahood. So certainly he asked three times "Why did you do that?" Please tell us about the ultimate vehicle. " This is the second Doshu Shogui in the Lotus Sutra. The latter was applied by the Bodhisattva Mirobu in the fifteenth chapter (Lluyutsu). In this chapter thousands of Bodhisattvas promise to spread the Buddha's Law everyone Saja after his death, but tells them: "Give up, men of devout faith! There is no need to do so." This means that Sakyamuni refuses to allow the spread provisional bodhisattvas Sutra Lotus in the day after I knew the law limits their ability to practice Buddhism at the time wicked. At that time, the earth shook and countless Bodhisattvas of the earth emerged, led by four. They look very noble and bright. Stunned by this event, the Bodhisattva Buddha Mirobu asked who had trained. This is part of the preparation for the Buddha revealed the eternity of his Buddhahood, Shakyamuni replied that they are disciples to whom he had been teaching since the remote past, which meant that Sakyamuni had attained enlightenment in the remote past, long before this experience. The Bodhisattva Mirobu asks doubtfully, "I had never seen these Bodhisattvas in the past Where did they come? Who taught that enlightened Law? Who began their practice? I implore you to reveal to us the reason." In response, the Buddha addresses Mirobu. "I've been teaching these Bodhisattvas from eons ago." However, Mirobu and others could not understand the meaning of "eons ago" and he said with hesitation, "In such a short time since it gained enlightenment in Bod-Gaya, how he could have taught these countless Bodhisattvas and lead to Enlightenment? this is unthinkable, how can I believe? "This is the third Doshu Shogui in the Lotus Sutra. In answering this question, in the sixteenth chapter (Lluryo) Sakyamuni first revealed that he actually attained enlightenment in the unimaginably distant past known as Gojiaku Llintengo, which demonstrated the eternity of his Buddhahood.
Sakyamuni preached usually answering questions from his disciples, however, how significant it is noted in these three chapters is that he broke his usual pattern. That is, before preaching according to the understanding of the person and their situation in life, but in these three chapters, was preparing to spread his teachings according to their own desire, causing his disciples had doubts about their attachment to previous lessons (Doshu-Shogui). This meant that something important would be revealed, the wisdom of all Buddhas.
In modern times, people tend to adhere to their own prejudiced ideas. In Buddhism, the practice of shakubuku method is the supreme cause that people raised questions about their attachment to superficial teachings. Let's put all our efforts to propagate Buddhism and to share this happiness with all people, doing shakubuku and Doshu Shogui.


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