Sunday, May 1, 2011

Plush Platypus Canada

Comment Kind of a Rural Landscape

is a rural landscape given the combination of elements of the natural landscape elements that have been modified by man, in this case, agricultural land and rural habitat. LOCATION
is a picture of the inside of the peninsula, probably in the downtown area, but located in the central plains of the arid southern landscape.
The rural site is situated on a high overlooking a valley, the river probably appreciate that a relief in costs in the background. It is thus a river valley in the center of the peninsula, probably corresponding to the Valle del Tajo.
Soil type is shown in the image is divided between a clay sediments from deposits of river terraces, in front of a limestone soil type at the bottom of the image. It shows a land that suffered major erosion forming river terraces and plains and in the background, relief gully.
natural vegetation could not be appreciated unless Mediterranean forest steppe type is hardly appreciated the presence of broom, and a gallery forest , reflecting the unmistakable presence of a river, filled with poplars, aspens ash ...
The predominant soil type in this area is the Mediterranean red soil , formed from alluvial deposits, well aerated, porous and rich in nutrients. It is an excellent soil for growing grapes and olives, but you can grow almonds.
We can not determine the fluvial or river flow but should be a major river by the huge terrace that has been formed in what will likely be a narrowing of the field by the presence of two slopes, the countryside and the relief of the sloping bottom. As an inland river will be of the Atlantic side of the river Tagus and often pluvio-nival type with a pronounced dry season.
The interior has a Mediterranean climate with cool temperatures in winter and hot in summer rainfall over the equatorial stations.
agrarian We observe a well defined structure around the use of resources water provided by the river, with lots of well-defined but not separated into small plots that are waiting to be cultivated, as are freshly carved. Beyond the river there is a small unfenced regular parcel to a monoculture, extensive rain-fed olive trees, typical of this landscape being part of the trilogy Mediterranean. Cultivation techniques will certainly mechanized and market technically advanced and designed with the help and subsidies from the CAP, which has completely transformed the English countryside, exploiting the plots and limiting excess production in some sectors of our agriculture. Having water resources exist near a kind of drip, although traditionally flood was now being replaced by drip much more effective and sustainable.
The population observed is concentrated type Crowded urban pre irregular unstructured. Buildings can be seen to work in the fields and houses surrounded by vegetation up to the left The houses are of type Mediterranean interior, two-story white houses with gabled roofs.
not seen a road network of roads, but surely is connected by the least populated areas of roads. Not rule out the presence of a nearby highway. Livestock from power was a significant road network giving access service crop land.
Land consolidation was not developed in this area as well as in the northern sub-plateau and there should be an important water structure due to the presence of nearby water resources.
The image shows a predominantly agricultural area, but the extent of cultivated area is not as wide if compared to untilled land displayed in the background. This wasteland can be used for hunting or tertiary space for use by leisure-related activities often occur in the area, cross, model airplanes and even if water quality would allow fishing.
We see intensive agriculture, irrigation market, without rotation or fallow and livestock use occasional sheep. However, we also appreciate an olive grove that has an extensive rain-fed agriculture, low productivity, but for the market mechanized or industrial processing of olive oil. There are industrial sites or tertiary.
find residential land use with a concentrated settlement irregular and based on a high. This type of settlement, in high usually comes from a military, medieval, Christian or Muslim, which would place a palace or castle, probably dominating the valley and passage to the south, with an outpost of the defense of Toledo or consolidation of the territory conquered by the Christians . We note that if this habitat is located in the easternmost region of the province of Toledo, or the South of Madrid, is usually the presence of a specific home type of area, such as cave houses. Traditional houses are typical of humble peasants digging in the ground, rendered with lime and vents or chimneys rise for ventilation.
is located in the central plains in the valley south of the Tagus, in Castilla La Mancha in the province of Toledo. It could be Madrid or Guadalajara if you were in the eastern part of the Tagus.
The type of plot, small, is an intensive agricultural use, tools that the presence of irrigation systems facilitates the return on capital investment to maintain soil fertility by using fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides that may pose a contamination of both surface waters and aquifers.
rural interior space has experienced a significant depopulation due to rural exodus started in the early 60 ' to major industrial cities of the country. The typical settlement is concentrated in large towns and large distances between them. The entry of Spain into the European Union was a major help to the English camp that has been extensively upgraded and modernized in sectors such as irrigated agriculture that have been funded by the Common Agricultural Policy The presence in the population of modern buildings, second residential places the image in a village near the capital within a radius of 80 km


; This is a rural landscape given the combination of elements of the natural landscape elements that have been modified by man, in this case, agricultural land and rural habitat.
is a Mediterranean coastal plain, which given the aridity and the absence of mass tourism coastal buildings corresponds to the Mediterranean arid Spain. The presence greenhouses near the coast so places the image in Almeria in the area near the Cabo de Gata, the only space that has been achieved due respect the feature that presents a natural park. While we appreciate nearby neighborhoods to own second homes, there is a massive presence, so it must correspond to the vicinity of the Park of Cabo de Gata Mojacar and Garrucha address.
coastal plain is seen, probably formed in sedimentation Quaternary. The type of modeling is sedimentary limestone and clay, formed by the silting up of material eroded from nearby mountainous areas.
It seemed natural vegetation of coniferous forests, Mediterranean pine off the coast. The understory is steppe, esparto, palm ... The soil is soil or serosem subdesert gray. Soil is predominantly calcareous, low organic matter content. Is almost always dry, and vegetation, being escasa y abierta, deja grandes espacios de tierra al desnudo.
                El aprovechamiento hídrico es marino principalmente al tratarse de una llanura costra. Este recurso sirve como aprovechamiento primario, pesca, pero para la agricultura. Para el uso humano y la agricultura se deben instalar plantas desalinizadoras que no se aprecian en la imagen. Los ríos de esta zona son cortos poco caudalosos y con un marcado estiaje que hace que en verano se seque prácticamente. Las lluvias ocasionales y torrenciales generan la creación ramblas.
The weather was like in the area is Mediterranean semiarid or steppe. Located on the coast of Almeria, in Zamora, in the Ebro basin and the region between Albacete and Murcia. Being a warm steppe temperatures are mild winters and hot summers. The rainfall is very low, below 300 mm., And even less with a record in the Almeria area of \u200b\u200baround 100 mm.
It shows two distinct human elements. First, a primary use associated with agriculture which is represented by the presence of small plots, regular, without fencing in polyculture, intensive irrigation. This predominantly agricultural landscape for a trade is reinforced by the presence of crops under plastic greenhouses. Count plots are the presence of irrigation, modern farming techniques such as sanding and seed selection and use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides classified as highly productive and highly capitalized.
The population observed is linear or grid, under a new model construction, with homes in gated community with modern amenities like swimming pools, garages or storage rooms. Traditional houses are not appreciated, but in the area are usually low houses, whitewashed, flat roofing and windows scarce and small, some with shutters. The settlement characteristic of the area is concentrated but in some cases we find populating interlayer. Urbanization is seen has a second residence status in order to promote tourism.
We observe a poor road network consisting of a simple country road. Found in this zone are major developments in road infrastructure to be or be near a protected area. The network consists of livestock with an intricate grid of roads that serve only to define plots but also to ensure farmer access to cultivated field.
not appreciate great works of engineering, but certainly exist, given the type of crop, a major irrigation infrastructure that will, with certainty drip, much more profitable and sustainable than the traditional flood system.
The image is clearly separated into four areas: a Marine, another farm, another woody, finally, a residential space.
half were seen nearby ocean water is a double advantage. On the one hand, fisheries, although not appreciated nearby fishing ports and fishing in this area has given way to farms by overfishing in the Mediterranean. On the other hand, the use is tertiary, it is a great demand for sun and beach tourism, as well demonstrated by the presence of housing developments, as a second home that can be seen in the picture. Also, if you belong to Cabo de Gata-related ecotourism diving in a protected area is an activity that also serves as a tourist attraction.
respect to cultivated land, we find a use in small plots of irrigated high productivity, in the case of greenhouses can reach several harvests a year, sanded systems, drip irrigation, including hydroponics, for the market. The financial support from the PAC to such crops have changed the configuration of the agricultural area of \u200b\u200bAlmería, Murcia and Alicante provinces where more extensively developed this type of crop. The best example is the spectacular growth of cities such as El Ejido in Almería, which greatly multiplied population figures. We can not see a farmer harvesting associated, although traditionally it develops a sheep or goat farming in these regions.
The forest type is evergreen conifers, probably Mediterranean pine which is not get no logging by the lack of extension. Even if you form a typical landscape of the Levant region as the coastal forest, now endangered by the urban maelstrom, especially in the Levant.
The habitat corresponds to a residential use, but mainly tertiary land use it serves as a second home for the development of traditional tourism in Spain and is the sun and beach tourism, which although in need of new claims to attract a slightly overwhelmed the global tourism, in the natural park of Cabo de Gata an exciting new offer. The layout of the streets is regular and the model home is modern urbanization. Industrial spaces are not appreciated.
This landscape is located on the east coast at Cape de Gata by the presence of housing developments, fields of crops under plastic, close, situated by the sea. This landscape has disappeared from the east and can only be found in Almeria. Furthermore, in Valencia this open space, forests and tourist residences in the province of Alicante which is where we would find it given the kind of climate would be unthinkable today, but not 15 years ago by the systematic destruction of the coastal environment for a hyper-real estate speculation in the shelter, both of institutions such as the growth of tourism.
Space agriculture presented in this picture solutions that problem, because given the development of greenhouse crops, the region has become a desert, even to an orchard population and a growing development area.
However, this development, as quoted above, encouraged by the CAP, no is free from serious environmental problems such as overexploitation of the soil, the need for chemical fertilizers and pesticides that pollute coastal waters or coastal aquifers. Besides the abuse of aquifers near the coast candy making are replaced by sea water as soil salinisation and destroys fertility. The presence of a tourism sector, associated with a marked seasonality implies a density concentrated in certain months of the year which means that the normal infrastructure, roads, water recycling, public services from being collapsed. OUTLOOK
Development in this region at least in the short to medium term, is virtually assured by three key factors: first, the development and competitiveness of this type of agricultural production, secondly, the development of tourism by creating a tourism system , which currently is based on a sustainable policy, and finally, the enormous appeal of the creation of a natural, unmanipulated reserved and protected from speculative moment of lust, politicians, builders and people who prefer development over sustainable development.


This is a rural landscape due to the combination of natural and humanized landscape elements, or have been modified by man, where we see a beach, an estuary, farmland and habitat. LOCATION
The image shows a coastal landscape, associated to the mouth of a forest in an area of \u200b\u200bjagged coastline and lush vegetation, which describes perfectly a ledge or rope.
The first element of note is the shape of coastal relief that we will manage. It is therefore an inlet on the sea out, followed by a tidal inlet in the land, gulf, bay or in this case a bay, an inlet, culminating con la formación de una playa en la desembocadura de un río.
                Se trata de un modelado calcáreo donde no apreciamos el roquedo, pero si podemos vislumbrar unos depósitos sedimentarios de tipo arcilloso, por las tierras pardas que se aprecian en las orillas del río. Es por tanto un paisaje que sufre el efecto de la erosión por varios factores, la erosión marina reflejada en el cabo y la erosión fluvial, con depósitos sedimentarios representados en la ría.
found an irregular mass of vegetation in the Cape, probably formed by deciduous trees. Around the river we found a gallery forest, usually composed of poplar, ash and poplar. The rest of the landscape, presents veegetaciín meadows and shrub in the dividing of the plots.
The soil type found in this area is a limestone brown earth, typical of eastern Asturias, Cantabria and the Basque country. It is a humus-rich soil, making it excellent for crops, especially maize and beans, as well as meadows, forests on steep slopes and even areas.
found two types of water salt water can be seen in the sea, and freshwater in the river and its mouth. The interrelationship between both hídricos se da en la ría que forma la desembocadura. El régimen de los ríos de esta zona suele ser nivo-pluvial, con un caudal abundante y regular durante todo el año. Además, estos ríos por su escaso recorrido y su enorme pendiente ejercen una importante acción erosiva sobre el terreno.
                El clima de esta imagen es oceánico, con temperatura suaves en invierno, y frescas en verano, pues la media del verano no suele superar los 25º C. Las precipitaciones son abundantes throughout the year. Spain takes place in the Atlantic, in the regions of Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria and the Basque Country.
appreciate the agrarian structure in small parcels, or bounded irregularly. Is a typical landscape bocage Atlantic Spain. Productivity is not very high and cultivated forage crops, legumes and cereals.
appreciate rural habitat dispersed, residential buildings can be seen away from the main town. Given the structure of the habitat in the area, is likely to be a district of another city's most important. There are two sites and some buildings crowded lonely. The traditional house is usually of stone, two storeys high, with gabled roofs and large windows that often have a structure above the entrance portico.
The road network consists of local roads that connect the different habitats. No network highly developed animal.
appreciate public works around the river where a bridge connects the two banks River.
Agricultural land stretches over much of the image and occupies the main activity. Intercropping bocage the landscape is characterized by beans, maize and forage plants, grown in small plots, where the tenure is usually too small landowners. They are dedicated to subsistence crops and the production of livestock feed. In this type of agricultural landscape, the bocage, cattle gains great importance for the production of meat and for milk. It is also often a logging. The natural forests are usually of deciduous forest and undergrowth of heather and ferns. When this disappears appear Landes and grasslands that serve the maintenance of livestock. Are systems of low productivity and poor development of mechanization due to restrictions on such small plots. Possible use of fisheries resources due to the proximity to the Cantabrian Sea, rich and pretty fishing anchovy. In this sense, it is possible to find a coastal factory canned, frozen or salted.
not seen industrial land use, but tertiary. The presence of nearby beaches gives a possibility of using tertiary and tourism. In this area the main tourist attraction is not the sun and sand, but water sports, fishing and rural tourism also exists a branch of the Camino de Santiago which is on the Cantabrian coast.
landscape is located in a coastal plain Cantabrian Mountains. Probably be located between Ribadesella and quotes, ie between the eastern part of Asturias and western Cantabria.
The entry of Spain into the European Union has made the adoption of rules adopted by the CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) and the CFP (Common Fisheries Policy). While EU membership has been a widespread benefit in the case of the Atlantic area of \u200b\u200bSpain has been a clear disadvantage. Milk production has suffered massive recortes y una importante limitación a la cuota de producción, se ha potenciado la concentración productiva y la estabulación.
                Respecto al aprovechamiento forestal es importante reseñar la sustitución del bosque caducifolio, robles, hayas, castaños, avellanos, arces, por especies que empobrecen el suelo y no son autóctonas. Son el pino y el eucalipto de rápido crecimiento y máximo aprovechamiento forestal.
                Fishing factor also shows a structural crisis that undermines the development of the area. Overexploitation and depletion of fisheries and destructive fishing gear, conversion in the sector suffered a continued cut in time for thirty years was a pointer sector in our economy and competition with the French fishing sector , they have been lost many jobs in the fishing coast. OUTLOOK
is true that the fisheries crisis and the adjustments of the CAP have slowed the development of the region, but receives significant support from the Cohesion Fund of the EU, to alleviate regional imbalances.
addition, the fishing problem solving is adopting a model of sustainable production and limited commitment to quality of products offered canners, mainly anchovy.
In the field, commitment to alternative crops and development of new crops or fodder production for livestock stables.


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