Friday, February 25, 2011

Baby Socks That Look Like Shoes


I. - Analysis of an agricultural landscape:
An agricultural landscape is a natural landscape that has been mollify by man in order to obtain products of nature. The basic elements that characterize agricultural landscapes are plots the cropping systems and settlement :
1 .- Plots:
are divisions of agricultural land and cultivated land to make refencia, which differ from each other by the size (less than 1 hectare small, medium, 1 to 10 hectares, large more than 100 ha), (Not to be confused with property, which refers to the tenure system, where the division is between small, less than 10 Ha , medium between 10 and 100 ha and Large over 100 ha) form (regular or irregular) and boundaries (open or closed) to be established and distinguished in the image we presented. It's the first thing to discuss and set it according to whether they are open or traditional landscapes openfield , or traditional landscapes closed by hedges or bocage . If market agricultural landscapes can not speak or openfield or bocage. 2 .-
farming systems:
We must establish what are based on the following factors:
a) Depending on the variety of products are distinguished:
- Polyculture , if different species are cultivated
- Monoculture , if specialized in one product.
b) As Water needs:
- Irrigation if water collects and transports to the crops where irrigated,
- Dry , if watered with rainwater or irrigation
c) In its use in:
- Intensive , if it occurs the most in the smallest space possible,
- Extensive , whether to increase production is to increase arable land. You must indicate if you notice fallow.
d) In its order for the market:
- Market, usually mechanized and technologically advanced, which must be indicated in the analysis if it is perceptible, and its production is devoted almost exclusively to be sold.
- Keep , often traditional agriculture, which should indicate whether it is visible where the bulk of production is devoted to consumption.
3 .- Peopling:
must indicate whether settlement is generally rural, and whether this is:
a) dispersed, ie houses are scattered throughout the area;
b) or is concentrated where the core population is concentrated in small, medium or large towns.
4 .- Describe the climate and terrain features that influence agricultural production we are studying, so we must explain how it affects rainfall, temperatures, summer drought, altitude, continentality ..
II .- Comment: You must include all these items featured here more: an analysis of the importance of agriculture in the study area (not the same as the impact of agriculture in Jaen, Badajoz in Vizcaya and Madrid) and we must expose all that we know about the specific area of \u200b\u200bstudy (landscapes of the Atlantic Spain, Mediterranean interior, Mediterranean Coast, Canary Islands), including settlement and habitat characteristics. Finally we present measures desarrollo sostenible en el campo y el impacto de la PAC (Política Agraria Común) en el modelo productivo estudiado.

Abandonment Of Employment Letter Template


Para Comentar: elegir 6 de agricultura, 1 de ganadería y 1 de silvicultura 
Bocage (Asturias)
Olivar (Andalucia)
Trigo (Castilla Leon)
Vineyard (Castilla La Mancha)
Rice (Valencia)
Snuff (Extremadura)
Orange (Valencia)
Huerta (Murcia)
Onions (Andalucia)
Greenhouses (Anadalucia)
Almendros (Aragon)
Flores ( Aragon)
Bananas (Canary Islands)
Swine (Extremadura)
Bovina (Cantabria)

Sheep (Castilla La Mancha)
Poultry (Galicia)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

How To Do Brazilian Wax Images


metropolitan area, is an integrated system of functions that corresponds to a certain habitat. It is a unique structure with mutual utility functions. Is the fundamental feature working relationship established between different cores. It also refers to an integrated social and economic unit that contains a large main population center. Economic integration is also reflected in the relationship between place of residence and place of employment. It is the spread of development city \u200b\u200bto its surroundings or hinterland. Features basic to be taken into account in defining a metropolitan area are:
Existence of a central city with a minimum population (criterion set at 50,000 for the metropolis and 100,000 for the whole) and a hinterland in which villages are located smaller. Population density below 100 inhabitants / km 2 .
Relations of mutual interdependence among the major city administrative, cultural, commercial (especially luxury trade) financial, compared with its hinterland, mainly residential and industrial.
The existence of contiguity. (A separation of no more than 35 km between the towns)
The existence of a well developed transport network that allows the maintenance of relations of dependence metropolis-hinterland.
The workforce should be 75% nonfarm
Suburb: Neighborhood or area outside the enclosure of the population. In the Middle Ages were growing neighborhoods outside the walls of the ramparts. Now define a space physically separate from the main town to which they belong, but which belong to the municipality or a boundary. Examples of slums in the twentieth century Madrid, San Cristobal in Villaverde, La Fortuna in Leganés, gullies Hortaleza ...
Blue Banana: European conurbation population includes an arc stretching from Manchester, London, in continental Europe and includes widening, Brussels, Amsterdam, Cologne, Frankfurt, Paris, the Ruhr Valley, Basel, Zurich, Milan Turin and Genoa. Traditionally it is the arc of greater commercial and industrial development and therefore the population of Europe. Encompasses about 90 million people. The name comes from the shape of banana from the satellite and blue for the color of the flag of the European Union.
Barraca : L a hut is the traditional dwelling has been home for years to the inhabitants of the garden of Valencia. The fertile garden of Valencia, which stretches along the coast from Carcagente to Sagunto, has areas such as La Albufera, very marked feature, whose can be found abundant around buildings of this type. Today, it is still used as housing for farmworkers on their way to work in remote areas of the population.
L a shack is the home of the huerta and fishermen in the area of \u200b\u200bValencia. Therefore, there are two types of buildings: the huerta, built in the own garden and fishing, which is located in the areas closest to the coast. However, in areas such as La Albufera meet these two activities can be found both types. However, it should be noted that the fishermen are almost missing and almost only found in around the lake, while the garden shed is more common and responds to a well defined structure that has remained largely unchanged despite the passage of time.
House block: it is a house that meets in the same building, whether in one or more plants all the dependencies inherent in a house, barn , block and house so random you can build a patio, open or closed. It is typical of northern Spain where we can find the most characteristic of this structure, houses, pallozas and hamlets.
dissociated House: country house in the Mediterranean area of \u200b\u200bthe Iberian Peninsula, is most common in the solar Peninsula. In it the elements that compose it, housing and work spaces are separated as independent buildings, but are grouped into the same space structured around a courtyard, usually closed. At the farm has the maximum representation of this construction,
CBD (Central District Bussines) : Central Business District. Central Business District (DCN) is defined as the main "core area" of the region, which has the highest concentration of production services and other premium services and business functions.
this term is often confused, because a city can be seen in the presence of commercial and financial centers, which are "distributed" strategically throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe city, however, what question is to understand if the downtown is what works as DCN, given the concentration of activities that it has, but that does not necessarily have to think it is a single center that exists in the city. In this regard, the CSD may occur in different ways, here mentioned three, with each one of them, of consolidation, displacement and polinuclearización - can evolve as its own model, or a combination thereof:
1) consolidate the DCN model in historic center: In this model, seeks and obtains DCN consolidation as is the historic center, then DCN = historic center;
2) displacement of the DCN model of what is the historic center: Here, the DCN is not the same as the historical center, that is, given the changes in the economic structure of the city the DCN appears in a different location within the historic center. An example of this apple AZCA (Joint Association of Compensation Block A Commercial Zone Generalissimo Avenue) in Madrid;
3) Model of DCN Polynuclear: given the evolution of the city to polynuclear model, there is no dominant DCN, because there are many different centers, but none are large enough to be called the center. Such is the case of Los Angeles, California, with 16 edge cities that dwarf its two traditional centers.
: it is a fence that surrounds the city when the wall loses its function and disappears physically. The cities of the modern age are surrounded by a fence or fence that serves to prevent the smuggling of goods and that these, when passing through the city gate, gates future Alcalá in Madrid or Toledo or Madrid in Alcalá de Henares , control products, people and goods to pay the toll tax.
Chabolismo : slum type of spontaneous growth without the most minimal of services urbanized sewer, water or the laying of light, usually made of waste materials, poor materials such as corrugated iron or mud. Are common in suburban outskirts of cities. Currently in Spain have gone missing from the big cities, but we can still find them, are a minority by rehousing policy undertaken by the Ministry of Housing since its inception in 1957.
City: The criterion of the morphology of the urban landscape is one that has been used to define what is a city, ie to distinguish what is a city that does not reach that rank. The external appearance, shape, structure of a city is different from other towns: tall buildings, large and wide streets that facilitate high traffic, etc.
Other criteria commonly used to define the cities is the statistic, so that each country sets a minimum population size considered as a core city population. Spain has it set at 10000 inhabitants, Japan in 30000, while in some Scandinavian countries have set at 200. It is therefore a criterion variable since there is such disparity in population thresholds in the world.
The third criterion used to differentiate the urban rural areas is economic activity in developing their people. Thus, while in rural areas dominated by activities related to the primary sector in the urban world's main jobs are those linked to the sectors of industry and services. This would be difficult to classify as a city some urban agglomerations (eg in some Asian countries) in which its inhabitants work mainly in the primary sector, while in other places (such as those mentioned towns in the Scandinavian countries), despite not reaching a large population could be classified as cities because of their work.
Other criteria make reference to sociological factors such as composition and inequality in society, being more homogeneous in rural areas than in urban areas, interpersonal relationships, narrower in the rural world and more distant in the city, etc.
There is therefore a unanimous definition of the concept of the city, although the most successful one that could join the main criteria described above: Agglomeration of population that has transformed an existing natural area in a highly humanized space physical and sociological characteristics of rural easily distinguishable in terms of their morphology, composition and social behavior, and economic activities that there are developed.
Conurbation : A concept that defines the process by which an urban area grows from its union with neighboring populations. The conurbation is a product of industrialization phenomenon and the rapid growth of urban population. Generally these are cities that have the same range but are united physically after a process of growth that is often associated with the creation of a metropolitan area following the massive rural exodus to the main cities. Example of conurbations are Alcobendas - San Sebastián de los Reyes, Coslada - San Fernando de Henares, Pozuelo-Aravaca ... in the metropolitan area of \u200b\u200bMadrid, another example is the metropolitan area in Alicante Elda-Petrel.
Cortijo : used, by extension, to indicate the type of dispersed rural habitat, typical of southern Spain, and consists of residential areas and other facilities for the surrounding agricultural exploitation. The word comes from Latin cohorticulum which in turn comes from cohors = patio, corral. This is a complex of buildings around a courtyard usually closed in perfectly distinguished between housing and work buildings.
urban functions: it is a concept introduced by geography organismic of Ratzel in which stands a city differs depending on the activities developed in it. Actually, today has come to mean the type of activities that take place mostly in a city, they are primarily residential, commercial, industrial, services (administrative, legal, educational and health), cultural ...
The concrete meaning of each urban function is:
Industry: a key role in modern urban development. The traditional city (preindustrial) was characterized by a clear separation between production and consumption. The revolution industry radically changed this initial status, focusing on the city the factors of production and consumption. In future, the couple would industrialization urbanization, one of the key factors of the concentration of population in large cities.
Commerce, is a mainstay of the city since ancient times. Has been instrumental in the birth and development of urban centers as places of distribution of goods, either agricultural or manufactured. With the growth of urban population, the city has gone from being a meeting place for people who live and reside on the outside led to area to meet the needs of their people.
Tourism: is recent, and its weight is now undeniable. The elements of a city tourist attraction new resources are operating and are a source of job creation and urban growth.
Finance: covers a set of activities related to the raising of capital and bank credit, of great importance, especially in capitalist countries. The city has become a place of settlement of banking institutions and financial institutions to facilitate contact with customers.
Private : is intended to establish the housing needs of the inhabitants themselves. Housing is a staple, supplemented by development of outer space. Over 40% of city land is occupied by it. Their existence creates a housing market that moves a large part of the city's economy.
responsibility functions (administration, health, education) involve various activities designed to meet the needs of residents in the city. In some cases, these services extend its reach to a space larger than strictly defined by city (university hospital).
transmission functions (transport, communications), its raison d'être is to ensure the interrelationship of all the above activities. There are two main groups: transport and communication. To facilitate the relationship between the factories, shops, etc.. As well as for moving goods and people, the city has internal transport and peripherals. The media are responsible for disseminating and transmitting ideas, people communicate and play an important role in the spread of ideologies of great importance in all areas (cultural, social, political) and not just economically.
Other functions (religious, military, cultural) reflect additional urban services.
Hórreo : building type characteristic, although not unique, Spain's wet or ocean, made of stone pillars, usually rectangular and whose function is to accumulate grain. It stands on four or six pillars in order to avoid the humidity and rainfall grain rot and spoil the crop.
INV (National Housing Institute) : body created in 1939 in Spain with the aim to promote housing and ensure the use of it. The INV had a legal personality and autonomous to manage their assets, but years later became part of the union, then the Ministry of Labour and finally to the Ministry of Housing when it was created in 1957.
Mas : A farmhouse is a type of rural construction, very frequent in Old Catalonia, which has its origins in the ancient Roman villas. It is isolated buildings, linked forever to an agricultural or livestock within the family. The elements used in its construction have changed over time, also the location of farms has also influenced the type of material chosen. Thus, in mountain areas, the material used has been the rough stone. On the lintels of doors and windows are used crushed stone. During the Middle Ages, stones were joined by mud material later was replaced by lime or cement. In places where the stone is scarce resorted to adobe construction.
Medina: its broadest sense is coming to define any city or urban space in the Islamic world. In its strictest sense defines a typical urban model of Islamic sphere emerged in the Middle Ages, characterized by: a wall that surrounds the city, within which are a series of characteristic buildings, as a defensive fortress Alcazar, mosque, hammam , souks and low houses (rooms around a central courtyard) in which irregular layout with narrow streets and plazas seemed a spontaneous and unplanned occupation, which forms a mottled appearance but structured by districts that revolve around a mosque.
Megalopolis: urban continuum fairly large (hundreds of kilometers) caused by the growth of a city to make contact with the area of \u200b\u200binfluence of another city \u200b\u200band so on. This growth occurs in each city by the concentration of activities and population at the expense of surrounding space, and is favored by the new means of communication and transport.
Metropolis: very large city is the regional capital and a major economic center, whose influence extends over a very large area. Are the growth centers of metropolitan areas.
Palloza : construction stone, round or elliptical floor covered with straw, designed in part to housing and partly to livestock. It is characteristic of the English Northwest Galician massif and the Montes de León.
Plano Hippodamus or Damero : urban model that proposes a city structured grid or parallel streets that intersect with other perpendicular at 90 degrees. Born in the Hellenistic and Romans adopted with some modifications. Recovered in the nineteenth century when the extensions are planned in large cities that are intended to develop in response to a spacious, clean, with sewer and water and then light. Reflected in the growth of Paris Plan Haussman, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bCerdá Plan, Madrid Castro and Expansion Plan of the Marquis of Salamanca.
irregular Plano : He who has a cluttered look no specific geometric shape and responsive to both growth and disorderly to develop its own form of Muslim or during Middle Ages in Europe.
linear map: urban model that idea Arturo Soria in establishing a city and its growth around a central street and other perpendicular. The project which sought to develop was to surround the city of Madrid around a street, but could only develop 5 miles of your project. This model was developed around villages that grow around a line of communication, such as the Camino de Santiago peoples, the peoples of the Western United States and Argentina and the people born in Asian Russia with an egalitarian model around a linear city. Emerge in the nineteenth century urban models to develop an urban unprecedented in history, giving all kinds of solutions as Fourier phalansteries, Garden City, England or Spain Ciudad Lineal.
Ciudad Lineal
Garden City
radiocentric Plano: Where the streets out of one center and have radially, can be cut down other streets in the form of concentric circles. It is his own model of the Middle Ages and shows an increase of concentric circles. Examples of this model are Vitoria, Moscow, Siena ...
concentrated Peopling : rural settlement type that occurs in the peninsular interior extensively associated with rainfed agriculture, usually associated withthe Mediterranean trilogy, wheat, vine and olive, wherein all the houses are clustered rural settlement in a single population center with no space between the houses and lands between them addressed.
Peopling dispersed, rural type of settlement that occurs in the Atlantic Spain and Europe. It is characterized the cottage is surrounded by fields, woods or meadows, separated from other houses and non-core population. There are isolated buildings or groups of buildings that form a larger nucleus districts. We also found this model of rural settlement in the orchards of Valencia and Murcia.
Peopling dispersed interlayer : is a scattering of houses from early concentrated population centers, with which all households have sex with religious, social and administrative or commercial. Predominantly dispersed rural settlement on the outskirts Peninsula, Balearic and Canary Islands. In the middle mountain, Mediterranean coast and islands.
Examples of population is concentrated on A, B and C dispersed Collate:
Industrial Estate : industrial areas on the periphery emerged in the 1950 and 1960 with the creation of industrial estates near the main access roads to the city. In some cases, well-planned, but others were allowed to install without control factories and workshops, producing a negative impact on the environment and heavy traffic jams and inconvenience to people living nearby.
System cities: As a system is a set of interrelated elements, the "system of cities" and what these relationships are established between them. Cities exert their influence in an area and take a hierarchical position within the system.
Sorting English cities by population size and the extent of its influence, we can distinguish between cities, medium cities and small towns.
- The metropolis occupy the urban system hierarchy. Its population is over 200,000 hours and more specialized roles and diverse than the others, related to industry and the tertiary sector. National or state metropolitan Madrid and Barcelona, \u200b\u200bin both a population of over three million, have more diverse functions and its influence extends throughout the state. Are also related to other world metropolises.
- regional Metropolis are Valencia, Bilbao, Sevilla and Zaragoza. They are between 1.5 million and 500,000, and feature high quality services.
- sub Metropolis are Malaga, Valladolid, La Coruña, Oviedo, Murcia, Alicante and other . Have a population between 500 and 200,000 and also have highly specialized functions and services.
- The medium cities are most provincial capital cities that are not . Its population is 200,000 to 50,000. Its functions are mainly tertiary, but less specialized: trade and services at the provincial level.
- The fewer than 50,000 inhabitants are called small towns or villages.
UVA (Neighborhood Unit Absorption) : this is a proposed solution for the 50 and 60 of the nineteenth century when the massive rural exodus Barcelona and Madrid was the creation of neighborhoods and shanty towns of spontaneous growth throughout the suburban cities. Then it begins to implement a plan Absorption of horizontal slums and built low-cost neighborhoods with poor materials of very low quality buildings and in many cases temporary. Units are created Neighborhood absorption that seek to raise a solution, but in practice horizontal transform slums into a vertical slum buildings underserved impoverished. Born and grapes or Led Villages in Madrid may be cited as the Hortaleza some still remains, but the list is endless: Manuel Becerra, Marconi Village, Canillas, Marquesa de Silvela Group C, Our Lady of Victorias, Avenida de los Toreros, Dehesa de la Villa, San Cristobal de Fuencarral, San Jorge, P. Orcasitas absorption, P. Agricultural Orcasitas, P. Minimum Orcasitas Experimental Colonia San Carlos, Caño Roto, Our Lady of Montserrat, Dulce Nombre de María, Zofia, Colonia Torres Garrido, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Fuencarral A, Fuencarral B, Carmen, P. Minimum Vallecas, P. Directed Entrevías, Trolleybuses, Virgen del Rosario, Virgen de la Torre, Colonia San Carlos, San José Obrero, P. Directed Fuencarral, P. Directed Canillas, P. Directed Manoteras, San Blas (Francisco Franco), Erillas, San Francisco Javier, Our Lady of the Angels, San Pablo, San José, P. Entrevías absorption, P. Directed Almendrales, P. Absorption San Fermin, P. Directed Orcasitas Cross Villaverde, Cologne Comillas, P. Directed and Absorption Caño Roto, Pan Bendito, Covadonga Our Lady, Great San Blas, García Noblejas, Entrevías, Marcelo Usera, Avenida de Oporto and Experimental General Ricardos, Virgen de Begoña, Ntra Sra de Covadonga, La Elipa, San Blas (Hill), San Blas (Shelter), San Blas (Parcel H), P. Absorption II San Blas, San Cristobal de los Angeles, John Turner, Our Lady of Covadonga, Manoteras, San Vicente de Paul, Cea Bermúdez, Abtao-Valderribas, Perpetual Help, headquarters of the Mountain, UVA Fuencarral Hortaleza UVA, UVA Canillejas Vallecas UVA, UVA Villaverde, UVA Pan Bendito, Padilla-Alcántara, La Elipa, P. Absorption San Blas, Bridge Prague, Moratalaz, Canillas, San Blas (District VI and V), Colony Devastated Areas, Pan Bendito (Via Lusitana), Pan Bendito (C. Viejo de Leganés) which still exist today and built between 1950 and 1972, surpassing the 90,000 homes.
VPO (subsidized housing) : housing means official protection which, for a regular and permanent residence, has a maximum usable area of \u200b\u200bninety square meters, meets the statutory requirements of quality and conditions of purchase and is classified as such by the State through the Ministry of Public Works and Urban Development, or other local authorities who were given this competition. Comes to determining a model of housing more expensive than the free market to provide access to decent housing to the population of socially disadvantaged circumstances could not have access to housing. It began during the Franco regime to absorb the huge amount of spontaneous growth districts were formed in large cities by the rural exodus and was promoted in the eighties. Currently represent an insignificant percentage of the housing supply and has not served to curb speculative real estate maelstrom of the first decade of the century.