Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Harman Kardon Hk395 Satellite Wiring

Train your senses. Body Language, Dance in the field. Saturday 28 May.

Body Expression Day-Dance in the field
Saturday 28 10:00 to 17:00 May
Solar Water Bearer
La Plata

Training of senses get moving

Morning work known as the kinesthetic sense "sixth sense"
is what allows us to feel muscle movement, weight, muscle tone, body position in space, etc, from the proprioceptive nerve endings distributed throughout the body.

The proprioception is the ability of seeing the body itself.

data gives us our identity and a certain "security" interior (body).

allows us to connect with an interior that is externalized from the rhythms, tensions, reactions, voices, etc.

Afternoon 5 senses work known as exteroceptive through d istintas proposals to perceive aromas, textures, images, sounds and flavor is .

Why in the field?

For the world outside inner feelings. When you respond to what temperature, what forms, what breath the natural environment will be present.


to dance / move / gesture developing your creativity (reproduction of pictures new or known) For dances your strength (awareness of equipment and systems), your grace (economy of effort) and your joy of life (communication with others from contact, play and humor) To occupy natural habitat through new ways to create other links with others.


Solar The Waterboy. The field of Aquarium Foundation
S olar the Waterboy: 425 and diag.236 street.
45.500.Abasto Route 2 Km. La Plata

Tariff : $ 120
A Rangel for pupils and companions .
Children free. Confirmation
assistance after
No previous experience required. Was suspended by rain .
More info. how to get data, Cristina Soloaga and tariffs in :
Photos field site:

Cristina Soloaga
Escuela Nacional de Danzas
Instituto universitario Nacional de Arte. IUNA
Formación independiente en danza, teatro y canto
4903-0722 - 156 685 3926

Monday, May 23, 2011

Uc Berkeley Supplementalquestionnaire


Biogeography : scientific discipline that explains the relationship of living beings with the natural environment they inhabit, with climatic conditions, soil and biotic around them. Therefore, the object of study is the vegetation, soil and wildlife.
cold Canary Current : ocean current arm of the Gulf Stream (Gulf Stream) that extends from the Iberian peninsula to the Cape Verde Islands and provides low temperature softening the climate that corresponds to the Canary Islands latitude.
Eurostat: Statistical Office of the European Union responsible for conducting all sorts of sociological and demographic surveys in the European Union level. Statistics provides guidelines for different states and their results determine regional policies and monetary policies of the European Central Bank. It is based in Luxembourg.
Fjord : ancient glacial valley has been flooded by the sea.
Highlands: land north of the island of Great Britain for Scotland which is characterized with a very mountainous terrain eroded Precambrian origin and due to its topography prevents the creation of large rivers, but in the lake areas are mixed. Vegetation is deciduous forest and where the desaparece encontramos vegetación arbustiva y herbácea.
Landa : tipo de vegetación que aparece cuando ha sido destruido el bosque de roble característico de los dominios templados de bosque caducifolio, situado entre los 40º y los 55º norte. La landa atlántica está muy extendida por el continente y aparece con la degradación del bosque.
Podsoles : son suelos cubiertos por thin sand layers and unsuitable for plant growth and permanently frozen. Are characteristic of polar and subpolar domains, between 55 º and 80 º north.
Social Policy Policy (PSC) , became operational in 1987 with the aim of reducing regional disparities in Europe. To this end, launched the European Social Fund (ESF), together with the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund EAGGF, the European Regional Development Fund ERDF and the Financial Instrument for Fisheries Guidance FIFG part of the so-called funds Structural and Cohesion of the European Union. These funds are intended for a target common: the imbalance between the richest and the least developed in the European Union with the aim of achieving economic and social cohesion throughout the country.
LIFE Programme: financial instrument created in order to contribute to the development, implementation and environmental legislation of the European Union.
PHARE: Programme to Assist Countries of Central and Eastern Europe, which seeks to remedy a historical neglect by governments of eastern Europe on environmental issues. The strategy comprises:
  • Higher strengthening the environmental dimension in the accession agreements.
  • A continuing cooperation within the framework of European agreements, including technical support and investments to improve legislation and environmental management.
TACIS Program: Program for Aid to the Commonwealth of Independent States and Mongolia, which is set as priority the protection of the environment in the former Soviet countries and Mongolia, as countries Eastern Europe had not known an environmental policy, whose consequences are evident in the courses rivers Syr Darya and Amu Darya and the desiccation of the Aral Sea.
Taiga : vegetation of the southernmost regions of the domain polar and subpolar, between 55 º and 80 º north, where winters are shorter and warmer summers, characterized by a forest of coniferous boreal issued by Sweden, Finland, Poland and the Baltic countries. Dominated by evergreen conifers, pines, spruces and firs. The understory mosses, lichens and ferns. The soils are podzols, but with a wider horizon and nurtured.
Tundra: vegetation typical of more northerly regions of polar and subpolar domain, between 55 º and 80 º north, dominated by grasses and shrubs, and is a marked absence of forest. It is also characteristic, the existence of permanently frozen ground or permafrost, called podzols. The growing season is very short, a few months a year, the rest is cold and snowy.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Ross Kemp On Gangs Free Online

threat of rain passed by the meeting for Saturday, May 28

Body Expression Day-Dance in the field
Saturday May 28 from 10:00 to 17:00
Solar Water Bearer
La Plata

Training senses get moving

Morning work known as the kinesthetic sense "sixth sense"
is what allows us to feel muscle movement, weight, muscle tone, position body in space, etc, from the proprioceptive nerve endings distributed throughout the body.

The proprioception is the ability of seeing the body itself.

data gives us our identity and a certain "security" interior (body).

allows us to connect with an interior that is externalized from the rhythms, tensions, reactions, voices, etc.

Afternoon 5 senses work known as exteroceptive through d istintas proposals to perceive aromas, textures, images, sounds and flavor is .

Why in the field?

For the world outside inner feelings. When you respond to what temperature, what forms, what breath the natural environment will be present.


to dance / move / gesture developing your creativity (reproduction of pictures new or known) For dances your strength (awareness of equipment and systems), your grace (economy of effort) and your joy of life (communication with others from contact, play and humor) to occupy natural habitat through new ways to create other links with others.


Solar The Waterboy. The field of Aquarium Foundation
S olar the Waterboy: 425 and diag.236 street.
45.500.Abasto Route 2 Km. La Plata

Tariff: $ 120
A Rangel for pupils and companions.
Children free. assistance prior confirmation
No previous experience required. Was suspended by rain .
More info. how to get data, Cristina Soloaga and tariffs in :
Photos field site: % 20% C3% A1lbum

Cristina Soloaga
National School of Dance
National University Institute of Art. IUNA
independent training in dance, drama and singing
4903-0722 - 156 685 3926