Thursday, January 20, 2011

Can U Get High Off Butal-apap-325-caff

Vocabulary. Culinary Terms

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With this post we finish the vocabulary of culinary terms, and little by little in between bites, I have uploaded a ton of notes that I have.

Volume 1 You can find clicking here.


CASED: Lining the interior walls of a mold with strips of a genre, then fill them with a sham (a little chopped) and cook in hot or cold.

Glue: Add gelatin to prepared to take more consistency. (And besides, brightness).

Grease: Deal semi-molten grease the bottom and sides of pan or plate.

Frost: Dip fruit in syrup and then drain it on a rack for about a day then outwardly crystallizing (room temperature).

Flour: flour Passing a genre.

Blanch: Dip a genre few minutes in boiling water and vinegar.

Bowls: Place in a plate or in capsules small pieces of dough or batter to be baked later.

Spread: Slimming thickness of a genre with a espalmadera.

froth or foam from
: Remove with a slotted foam and impurities that arise in a broth, soup or stew during cooking.

Stretch: Extend a dough with a rolling pin to make it thinner.

Braising: Cooking a genre in its own juice with some fat over low heat and covered container.

Stove: Place dough in an oven to ferment or increase its size.

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(candied fruit)

Farce: Fill.

Fillet: genre Cut into thin strips.

Flambé: Evaporate the effect of the alcohol flame of a spirituous liquor.

Flame: Pass a bird on a direct flame to burn off the feathers and hairs that remain after aviarlo.

Fry: Dip in oil genre medium or high temperature.

au gratin: Brown surface preparation on a stove or grill.

Garnish: accompany a main genre with a garrison.

kneading: Bolear hands with small portions of the masses.

Juliana: usually cut into thin strips. Sometimes thick.

Lift: Replace to boil a liquid or a preparation to prevent further fermentation.

Linking: Add a preparation or sauce thickener to obtain a denser texture.

Marinade: Leave for a few hours pieces of fruit in wine, syrup, liquor, fruit juice or citrus to take the taste of these liquids. (Lemon is an antioxidant)

Majar: gender Crush a mortar or pestle.

Flag: Prepare a dish in the absence of your termination or completion. (Leave a semi gender).
[In room]: Put the covered for the genre that is going to eat.

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Flambé, not to be confused with Flame =)

Marinate: Let pieces of meat or fish with herbs and wine in the company or not chopped vegetables and different spices to soften meat or take the characteristic flavor of the marinade.

Mech: Enter thick strips of bacon on the inside of a raw meat.

Mirepoix: Dice irregular.

Wet: Browse to a liquid preparation for cooking. (For example: Noodles)

Napar: Cover with sauce preparation.

Poach: Sauté over low heat or scalding.

tuning or MISE EN PLACE: tuning prior to the preparation of a dish.

Coat: Passing a gender flour and egg.

Grind: seasoning Make a point of development.

Reduce: diminish the volume of a liquid by the action of heat.

Refresh: Go through the cold water genera that have been cooked to cut quickly accumulated heat during cooking.

Sauté: Cook a genus of fat over low heat.

Risola: Brown food in lard or fat.

Roux: (f: Rous): Mix flour and butter (or oil) to heat set.
3 types, blonde or Toast.

Season: Add salt and pepper to a genre preparation.

: Brown little time high heat in fat, raw materials or preparation.
(Grease, oil, lard, butter, bacon ...)

Season: Add salt to a preparation.

Fry: Fry slightly one or more genera-fat over low heat.

Sift: Pass through a sieve genre.

Turning: rate cut in a rugby ball, no corners for vegetables.

Carve: Cut a genre already cooked.

Zeste: Perfume, scented with lemon peel, pressing and stroking the material zest peel or grate slightly in some cases.

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Roux. 3 types: Clara, Blonde and toast.

Regards and good study!