Saturday, June 12, 2010

What Is Alotta Fagina

Article on the theory of Amado Alonso

To read the article link here

Explai How Mitosis Leads To Two Daughter Cells

style "poetry and style of Pablo Neruda, Amado Alonso

To read chapter II of the book "Poetry and estilode Pablo Neruda," link here

Ring Ring Answer The Telephone

literature, J. Culler

To read the work of Culler included in the book Angenot, link here

Where Does Og Mudbone Reside

stylistic analysis of Quevedo's sonnets

To read the stylistic analysis some sonnets Quevedo, link here to view in google docs, or here to do in scridb

Friday, June 11, 2010

Ap Biology Lab 6 2010 Answers

"Spanish Poetry" Damaso Alonso

To read the sections of the book "English Poetry" by Damaso Alonso on Stylistics and Garcilaso, link here to see them through google docs, or here through Scribd