Tuesday, October 16, 2007

How Do You Move The Paintings On Poptropica


The soul, spirit and body

training in the first year of the District of San Juan II, the appeal presented us their positions, and used as separate terms what we know, soul, spirit and body, as part of the trilogy, culminating in joining God in creation and human development. His approach caught my attention. Due to time constraints, we could not work on these concepts and I could see the difference or similarity of the terms soul and spirit. That was enough to start thinking until inevitably decided to write what I think on the subject. Ask yourself what is the spirit?, What is substance, energy, or flow?, What are their functions?, Where does and where it goes?, What form it, if any? The soul, what is? Likewise, ask the same questions about what is the soul.
The concept body, belong to the tangible world, the answers but very complex in terms of the scientific description of it, was better and easier understanding for me. I defined the body as container and structure endowed with power to act. " This definition leads me to other philosophical issues concerning epistemology the concept itself. The body as container means it was made to contain something, forcing me to accept a predestination of it and the existence of a divine constructor. Ontological contradiction would talk about spirit and soul without accepting the presence of a divine constructor. As it would be contradictory to talk about the construction of matter, without accepting the presence of the builder who has done everything. Was for Aristotle to Aquinas, God, that everything moves in stillness, where everything you do. Conceptions of God of these philosophers are irrefutable, or at least to date, no other explanation. Science has devoted to know how God does things to imitate him, after all, He made us in His image and likeness, so there is nothing wrong in wanting to be like Him, therefore, whether to define what is the body, there much difficulty in its philosophical conceptualization, imagine what it means to work with reason, with the concepts spirit and soul.
except when I pointed to "work with reason, because it is my goal to think about these terms without the use of faith or my beliefs, while I can. Well, after making these notes, I think I clarified some of my many doubts, I feel a little more comfortable reflect on what is the soul and what is the spirit. With the caveat that these terms have undergone translations for centuries have been influenced by the interests of all kinds, try to speak of them in a very personal perspective. Taking as a starting point of Greek philosophy, Socrates stated in its conception of reason, that man was born with a spirit endowed with divine knowledge, and that God has placed his spirit in the being born. Socrates understood that the knowledge of God dwelt among men and by the memory that recalls the divine world, man could be educated. In our religion
Jewish foundation Christian, Jehovah breathed into the nostrils of Adam and endowed him with divine life and spiritual understanding. We Christians, we understand the divine knowledge exists, but because of original sin, we are short of the grace of God. Plato argued that human reason dwelling in the soul and that is why he received the ideas that existed in the world of ideas.
From the beginning the Jews, Greeks and others began to talk about the terms spirit and soul, sometimes as a synonym and sometimes as separate entities. Moreover, when at our meeting in the District arise these terms separately, it seems to me that what started Abraham, Socrates, Plato and other great thinkers, remains a question which is now exposed to the directors of San Juan II.
This is a personal and professional challenge, as we are involved in answering the following question: Is the Spirit and Soul are distinct entities, or is it the same divine being? Was there a single breath of God in Adam or were two puffs? When Socrates uses the word as a tool to activate maieutics divine memory, who asked, the spirit or soul? Our district has a maximum depth of philosophical questions with which we work. However, it seems to me that the spirit is the gift of life that makes us. Being is an attribute of the essence, what I am is my foundation.
So the divine spirit contains the elements that make us like God. The spirit is God indwelling power. The soul is an organ of the spirit. The spirit makes us and the soul is what makes us do. Recall that Plato locates human reason in the soul and argued that only through the discipline of it we can see the light. Learning is what the spirit world. It is the spirit contact with the outside world. The soul is created and shaped by the spirit and its immortality is undeniable, but their presence does not.
Men who act in evil they do because they have killed the faculty of the mind to create, retain and develop this body, the soul. The soul is the contact of spirit with the world and is once accustomed to bad reason is disposed to the good. The spirit is glorified or corrupted, develop or become ill, depending on the development of the soul.
The habit of doing good things does the spirit of the glorification of the deeds. Actions arising from its divine origin and then is born and develops the soul and thus create men of conscience. When is the vice which governs our doing, our spirit is corrupted by his actions. So the soul does not develop, or abandon us and so do men become men heartless.
Men heartless live alone in spirit, in a spirit sick, lonely and poorly developed that only allows them to exist. However glorified men living in harmony of spirit and soul. A heart filled with God's commands and working with the world soul, and spirit mandate. This harmony of spirit and soul leads to mental and physical health. "In the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks," said Jesus. "A healthy mind in a sound body," said the Greeks. I set
then, the maxim that to develop our soul we must make a habit of doing well. Like any habit is reduced to rational practice to get used to doing good things and do good things, being good is not a matter of conviction, but a matter of choice. I'm good because I propose, it is my duty to be rational. The habit of doing well educates the soul and nourishes the spirit. So the great mystery of doing good and avoiding evil is also a thing to be educated on the good things.
work of teachers is then taught to do good is a matter of educating the reason that dwells in the human soul to emphasize this goal. It is recognized that educational institutions have a moral mandate to become teachers in moral spokesmen. Then, after having been educated man in the well, if after learning the power of God, insists hombre en ser malo, ese hombre debe ser llamado insensato, torpe y terco y sobre él toda consecuencia.
Bueno, tal vez todo lo que estoy diciendo puede complicar más las cosas, pero me muero por estar presente en la próxima reunión de consejeros del Distrito de San Juan II donde además de todos los temas que tratamos en estas reuniones, entremos nosotros a disertar sobre este tema.
Ah, estoy seguro de que no faltará quién ponga en entre dicho la pertinencia de mis planteamientos y diga que el tema del espíritu y del alma y de Dios es algo privativo de religiosos, reverendos o monjes. A esos quiero recordarle que la mas alta función de la escuela es la de educar el alma, por que en ella se encuentra la conciencia and consciousness is achieved only with justice. No man is more educated than the man ... you just said Eugenio María de Hostos "Higher than the sage lives just because more high that the truth is justice." Dr. Jorge H
. Aruz Larrache

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Can You Put Aveeno Tattoo

Arete and immortal curriculum

At the time of the Hellenic world was learning the process as standard or maximum the divine world. Students were trained to be as wise and as brave as the gods. In Athens there was a curriculum that grew out of the poems of Homer and Hesiod called Arete. Trying to imitate the life of Zeus, being so wise and strong as him or imitate the value of Apollo was the self-imposed limit that society Athens to be considered educated. This attitude led them to develop ideas that have not yet been overcome. For example the concept of democracy, polytheism or monotheism recognized the power of a supreme God above all God or natural power, are the beginning of a monotheistic vision that had already manifested itself with roots in the Hebrew society.

The Arete was the first attempt to get the truth imitating the virtues of the gods, especially the virtue of wisdom. It is as if the concept we have today of what is to be holy, for it was tantamount to being wise. With this attitude the Greeks had developed pride in the wisdom and ran first through faith in God and doubt to investigate how the man of his natural intelligence. Socrates using the reflection method concluded that man is ignorant because they have forgotten God in their development process. He claimed that knowledge is obtained in the process of asking to remember the bond we have with the divine. He called this process
Another Athenian Plato thought that the ideas came from a divine world and these ideas came into the minds of humans to humans understood the world. The requirement for advent to this knowledge was the discipline of our minds, our spirit and our body. Just being disciplined We could hear the voice of the power of God Finally Aristotle gave an additional tool to the world with the establishment of contemplation as a way to find the truth and so be immortalized in history.

other hand, in Sparta the curriculum is known by the name of Agogo. This was based on the valor and courage in battle. The battle cry, "prepared for victory" was his philosophical maxim that forced discipline, endurance, develop a love for country and pride in their origin. In Puerto Rico we must remember these curricula to develop a country like Athens and Sparta in its wisdom in value. I promise to speak this in my next article.

Dr. Jorge H. Aruz Larrache